Question for the Critprogs-J6 or J13

That’s a golden oldie.

I strongly suspected it was a made-up term, since Google couldn’t find it. I’m also suspecting it has something to do with LIBs.


Dang it! I voted too. Hope I don’t skew the poll…

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Every term is made up.

You know what a portmanteau is?

It’s short for critical theory progressive. The loudest and most obnoxious of the far American left.

Honestly I miss the Tankies sometimes. Least they weren’t punks.

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lol. nice. i voted

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None of the critprogs are voting.


without hyperbole worse than korea vietnam and desert storm combined times 10000.


that and many other routes.

it’s the carnie code

well of course not for cry sakes they are hesitant, trembling, on how to respond. they look to mommy msnbctard.

you eschew situations out of your control

There should be an option for they are equal. A threat is a threat. The end result is always the end of democracy.

All threats end democracy?

They both had the potential.

Everything is gonna circle around to “both sides suck” when it comes to deflecting from rampant leftist terrorism being the norm. :wink:


Ok, but that’s not the question.

I am the lone dissent.

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Someone has to be Lafayette.

Both conducted by republicans. Consistent.