QAnon cult--and I thought Jade Helm was the nuttiest

Sounds like it is just as rooted in the truth too.


I didn’t come up with it, but it follows your classic Conspiracy narrative.

There are three types of people in a Grand conspiracy.

There are the evil ones who are all
Powerful and all knowing, but are euther thy make mistakes or they gloat to secretly make their evil deeds known

There are the warriors of light, the ones who can see the truth and peer through for secret knowledge.

And there there are the rest of us… the Sheeple.

Now if you want to fell special and good… which group do you want to be a part of?

Sounds like a fun party, where I should wear black. And a bulletproof vest.

So Q is a dude somewhere, gleefully connecting dots.

This guy’s ready for the coming storm:

Another clown chasing the storm. Buckle up!

Stormy Daniels’ lawyer Michael Avenatti is the latest target for supporters of the pro-Trump conspiracy theory QAnon, with police investigating a man’s appearance near Avenatti’s office after the building was mentioned in QAnon posts.

Thanks for that link. You know, the guy shows a glimmer of sanity with this line:

“a series of poorly constructed decisions that were based on emotional pain and a great deal of passion for our nation”

Which I totally understand.

We’ve all found ourselves with an AR-15 and other weapons while blocking a bridge in an armored van near the Hoover Dam.

So I empathize.


Reading these Q nutjobs posts right now, it’s ■■■■■■■ hilarious! The keywords they use are funny as hell and similar to what some users post in here.

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Q is going to get you. Hilarious.

Yes, the swamp is being drained.

After 8 years of Trump the world will be very different.

Marxism, Radical Islam, Illuminati, Satanists, Pedophiles will be out of government and media.

The Globalist technocracy will be dead.

USA will again be the greatest miracle again.

You are in the middle of the “apocalpse” right now.

Britain, Uk, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Poland, Russia, Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia, China, india, Ukraine, Scandinavia, the Catholic Church, Israel, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia. Egypt, Mexico, Canada, Syria will return to their cultural roots and all be at peace. There will be a golden age. Africa, Central and South America will be well on their way to happy, booming economies. No one will be using destructive drugs. Mental illness will be in decline. People will have strong faith and science will reject nutty atheism. The meaning of “God,” “Messiah,” and "Buddha, " will become clear.

Even Hollywood, San Francisco and New York City, will return to greatness. AI will only be for the benefit of all.

Ivanka will be the first Woman president.

Many will be in jail, then forgiven.

Even the weather will by itself, be subdued, Asteroids endangering earth will be destroyed. Even supervolcanoes will be subdued safely.

“The rain won’t fall down hard enough to break a clod of dirt.”

Terms like Marxism, Zionism, Nazis, Progressives, will only be found in history books.

There will be no more paid political trolls.

Incredulity will be done.

Nut jobs feeding nut jobs.

This is the world we live in since almost the beginning of radio.

Oh it gets worse. The news musuem in DC

The mission of the Newseum, located in Washington, D.C., is to increase public understanding of the importance of a free press and the First Amendment. Visitors experience the story of news, the role of a free press in major events in history, and how the core freedoms of the First Amendment — religion, speech, press, assembly and petition — apply to their lives.

Sells this on their store
This just doesn’t make sense.

Turn off your Edit button

yours is open above too.

Roseanne Barr is said to be one of them. No surprise.

Ever hear of satire?

Nutcase mysteries seem to appeal to the right.

the museum selling these as satire?

It’s the Newseum, and I would say that’s what it is since the Newseum is a museum of news. They’re also selling fake MAGA hats.

Wow. All this in just 6 short years? That’s just amazing. I mean after eons of human societal evolution all it takes is one really stupid egomaniac to make the world an amazing Utopia? I really have to rethink my logical pragmatic view of the world. Maybe if i Grind off my frontal lobe this will all make perfect sense.


you could be right and i could be wrong no doubt about it but i would have expected some indication either in the description of items or website or something that would have indicated they are trying a satirical angle. could be i am just to cynical and dare i say it; Jaded