QAnon cult--and I thought Jade Helm was the nuttiest

True account!

When I saw the signs the FIRST thing that came to my mind was Q of Star Trek. Then I says, “naw” to my humble self. Prolly just some gay guys acting up.

Being that journalists think Trump’s whole fake news thing is silly and sad at the same time, it’s not a stretch to think they are making fun of him.

We know for a fact that Trump didn’t invite this Q crowd…which until yesterday nobody I know had ever heard of. I still don’t know who they are and I really don’t care.

And we know for a brutal fact that the DNC cheated on multiple occasions. Cheated when playing honestly would have been better. And for all their cheating and colluding got their butts handed to them.

Dems cheat and other dems approve when dems cheat. Think it’s real cool and sneaky. Boatloads and ocean liners full of examples. That’s an important real fact to know.

Until Trump washed up onto the political shore all conservatives could do was scold their republican perennial victims. Shake their collective conservative heads at the dumb as mud republicans.

Trump calls out the cheaters and makes 'em holler.

My opinion, Q is the Russian intel services continuing to cause discord amongst Americans!

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There will become a point when someone will find out where this crap is coming from and a lot of people are going to get a massive pie on the face.


Just will become part of the conspiracy.

Dismiss it by saying it is disinfo.

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and probably not the white supremacists either. but chances are some were there.

Leftists creating propaganda about anything Trump…nutty.

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They won’t care. They’ll move seamlessly to the next conspiracy. They’ve proven that time and again.

He didn’t invite the kitty hat protesterettes. A million showed up. Got any problem with that?

Well, the 60’s were great - but now you’re paying for it.


A full lobotomy and a Costco-sized bottle of Jack Daniels, and all will become clear.

So, you’re saying I need both a bottle in front of me AND a frontal lobotomy?

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He is Not Q, he’s the face of lunatic leftists.

lol, being critical of the leftist press makes you a Nazi?

Oh, that makes a lot of sense. LOL. Maybe in one weird spot in the universe, but nowhere else.



Tea Party members will migrate over to this wacko q group now that Tea baggers have waved the white flag on government spending and deficits! Q will welcome you with open arms! Lol

Not literally, no. But it’s sad that you couldn’t understand the reference.

Have someone read and explain this to you.

This was world-class high-content blather right here.


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