QAnon cult--and I thought Jade Helm was the nuttiest

Already answered that above. Answered it a few weeks ago as well.

So we have our first official 8chan QAnon true believer. No fears, you’re not the last.

I already said Q is kids on keys. Q has not said anything beyond telling readers to keep the faith.

Those people who are readers into Q, are patriots. They suspend their disbelief as to who Q is, because Q tells them the swamp is being drained and have faith. They are passionate about ending the deep state and Kalergi Plan because they love America and knows it’s currently under fire from totalitarians out to destroy America and other nations, Soros, “Open Society.”

Some call Q a larp, some call Q Military intel.

Some say Q is kids on keys. The first Q posts were real.
Globalists are toast.

The actual bad people are scared.

They know what they did.


What’s up with these people’s obsession with child molestation?

That term doesn’t mean what you think it means

Are you surprised? She still thinks that pizza are children, ping pongs are evil, and forgets what Globalist actually means but uses Soros name just to make sure we all understand.

I’m just glad that the General Public is getting a better glimpse of who some of these people are. This group and the neo-nazis in the white supremacists are starting to give people, who didn’t know what they were like (or ignored them), a better idea of what we’re all really fighting. Some of these people are insane. Maybe average/decent people will finally stop ignoring them and stand up and fight this disease that has been festering for 30-40 years.

Oh, btw, Tom Hacks isn’t a pedophile.

as nutty as the collusion cult…

“there is a tradition in many newsgroups and other Internet discussion forums that, when a Hitler comparison is made, the thread is finished and whoever made the comparison loses whatever debate is in progress.[7] This principle is itself frequently referred to as Godwin’s law.[8]”

The Internet: Giving our intellectually challenged brethren a voice.


Considering most of them have already been lobotomized, that would be cruel.

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As we often see with the most rabid members of the right, they tend to look into the dark depths of what remains of their souls and project the ugliness they see there onto their political enemies. They assume we must be as nasty as they are. So of course, the people who went all in on serial child sex predator Roy Moore are “very” concerned about child molestation.

Do you believe that the Kalergi Pan is in effect, and being directed in more or less its original form, with more or less the same goals?

There has been a difference.

Instead of implementing a particular Japanese sect to be the sole religion, they switched to radical islam since they can kill two birds with one stone.

Where the proof of paid lib posters you claimed was coming?

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The Kalergi Plan was traditionally viewed as a conspiratorial means for Jewish supremacy in Europe. How and when did that aspect of it get elided?

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i read a bit about QAnon and here is my favorite stuff so far…

“Q established his legend as a government insider with top security clearance who knew the truth about a secret struggle for power involving Donald Trump, the “deep state”, Robert Mueller, the Clintons, pedophile rings, and other stuff.”

“The conspiracy theory is generally pro-Trump and anti-“deep state”, but it is not exactly coherent, and – like many conspiracy theories – is flexible enough to adapt to any new developments that might disprove it.”

“Imagine a volatile mix of Pizzagate, InfoWars and the Satanic Panic of the 1980s, multiplied by the power of the internet and with an extra boost from a handful of conservative celebrities.”

“Most QAnon followers are Trump supporting evangelicals, Uscinski said, who are predisposed to believe a pro-Trump, anti-liberal narrative.”

That was how it began, but then switched to a Japanese sect, then another Japanese sect. Since Kalergi’s death, the inheritors of the plan decided, radical Islam can be more expedient.

During Kalergi’s life it was about who he sought and took, funding from. He didn’t care which religion would be part of his plan.

The Club of Rome was an inheritor of the plan and they sought funding and were fickle as well.

Sounds like Game of Thrones.

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The thing that’s struck me about Q’s posts is how similar they are to conventional, twice-baked Bircher and Cleon Skousen conspiracy stuff from the past. There are new twists, contemporary frames of reference, and multiple layers of weirdness as you descend the network of rabbit holes (e.g., the “pedo ring” stuff). But a lot of it is strangely familiar and well within the long tradition of rightwing crankery.

I can see how it would appeal to some evangelicals and others who always need to be at the center of some cosmic, apocalyptic melodrama.