QAnon cult--and I thought Jade Helm was the nuttiest

I think our country just has to go through these crazy eras every once in awhile. Just think how long the KKK ran the South. And I believe that the craziest have to show their true colors so that normal people will finally act and push them out. It may take four or five decades to push all these crazy people back under their bridges.

Q is not as advertised. Kids on Keys.

At the same time, Q hasn’t said anything radical or weird, just rah rah rah for Trump. No heavy pronouncements at all, that isn’t already well known.

They need to push this harder and harder…gop needs to embrace this fully to win in November…

which is the conspiracy theory here?
That Qanon and his fans claim for months or longer “very soon will be revealed outrageous stuff about DNC, Hillary, Soros, etc” “big awakening soon” and nothing happens, they provide no information. Not surprising if one of their fans went to the rally with that pancard, to receive attention. The dumb fake news leftist media take the bite and does the favour to that Q people. Now who is the idiot, if the liberal fake news media can be fooled and used even by such a group of “kids”, as you called them ? :rofl:

looks like the liberals have the lowest IQ possible … :joy:

Dont forget that Qanon is/was active only on 4chan and 8chan, the same community which created a lot of other “conspiracy theories” - We say KEK! Pepe the frog.
Exposing the librals for how dumb they are and throwing them under the bus…

Look at you defending the Qanon cult. I’ve read a lot of their posts, they’re freaking coo coo for cocoa puffs.

Name one thing of any import or “kookie,” “Q” has said.

Q says nothing, beyond rah rah rah.

Leftist jerks are a thousand times kookier then “Q”

I’ve read a lot of their posts (followers) and they’re coo coo for cocoa puffs.

You avoided the question. Because Q says nothing “kookie” Most Q people are jyst being positive and Q encourages them that the swamp ( your home base) is being drained.

Otherwise Q is a group of anonymous who should never have allowed their readers to think they are high level military intel.

Whoa seriously? Have you ever checked out a Facebook group or Q subforum. If so, which one? Cuz…kooky is an understatement. I’d go with clinically delusional.

Have you ever read what the person you’re responding to posts? I think their bar for kooky might be a hair lower than yours.

Ah. No.

Kay cuz that Q stuff is seriously wack.

Pizzagater from the old board.

K so Q tops Pizzagate…which is saying something.

Fruit cakes. Apologists for globalist fiends.

You guys have ZERO content, just pathetic attempts at ridicule and lying.

Sick leftist blather.

A bot, perhaps. The sentence fragments randomized.

Just kidding. I have realized by now that some folks honestly think and communicate in this way.

Rp5x5, what do you think of Qanon?

Because it’s all true! Oh you’ll see.

Liberalism is a mental disease lololololzzz!!!?!

“Blissett’s name has been adopted by many people in radical activist circles as a nom de plume or collective alias when engaged in unusual performances, situationist pranks, media hoaxes, and the production of radical theory. The Luther Blissett multiple name project first began in 1994 in Italy, no doubt a consequence of his link with A.C. Milan, and has since then been widely used by artists, underground reviews, poets, performers and squatters’ collectives in cities throughout Europe and South America. In 1999 “Luther Blissett” authored a historical novel called Q, which sold hundreds of thousands of copies in over ten languages.[18]”

Wikipedia on “Luther Bissett” author of “Q”

Thanks. I have Wikipedia too. What do you think of Qanon?