QAnon cult--and I thought Jade Helm was the nuttiest

A conspiracy has existed at some point in time, therefore every conspiracy is true.

It’s perfect logic, I don’t know what you’re complaining about.

using Trumper logic…risky move my friend

Trump and that no good Mueller will have to pry my teen sex slaves from my cold dead fingers!


judge moore? didnt know you were a poster here

Tell me libs…should Trump supporters be euthanized?

The hell?
. , .


I love this place.

I don’t think there is either. At least not in the sense its some guy working in the government with security clearances. Its an excuse, in the age of Trump, for his more mentally unstable supporters to push whatever insane conspiracy theory suits them at the moment.

Not expert but this caught my attention.

we see now why you are not an expert

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QAnon was loud and proud in Tampa to support the Prez. Reality is getting really weird these days…

It was their coming out party, now everyone knows.

You mean the Nazis that have been attacking our free press here in America? Hell yeah, it would be a good start anyway. :wink:

No. It was stupid pun by a rando on Twitter. No one cares. Are you checking under the bed for libs again?

I find it difficult to buy that a group that idolizes Mueller as a hero is a “pro trump” group, even if they believe they are.

What have I told you about drinking and posting?

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And people lecture liberals about losing swing voters by going over the top.

It was like the first time I heard about the “birther” conspiracy theory.

Total nut jobs, every single one of them.


"And in June, a man driving an armored vehicle and carrying two firearms shut down a highway near the Hoover Dam while holding a sign reading “Release the OIG report.”

That appeared to be a reference to the Justice Department’s Office of the Inspector General report that criticized the actions of former FBI Director James Comey for his handling of the Hillary Clinton email investigation. “Q” has hinted to followers on multiple occasions that Trump possesses a second IG report that would detail the criminal activities undertaken by Democrats.

The man, Matthew Wright, was arrested after the incident and now faces terrorism charges. Last month, it was revealed that Wright penned letters to Trump and other government officials from jail bearing the “where we go one, we go all” slogan."

Just your average domestic terrorist tooling down the highway near the hoover dam in an armored car.

Pizzagate, Qanon.

Garbage in

Garbage out.


You could have just said “man, those Q guys are nuts”.