Putin's real useful idiots: The Democrats and mainstream media!

For the past four years, we’ve been hearing a lot of nasty smears about how Trump and allies are “useful idiots” of Putin.

But now that the truth has come out and it is known there was NO COLLUSION, the real useful idiots of Putin have been exposed.

The left and the mainstream media have been Putin’s useful idiots for years. If Putin had a goal of destabilizing America, the left and the mainstream media have done it! They’ve been spreading lies that destabilized the government and eroded trust in public institutions for years.

While Trump was standing up for American interests abroad - even telling Germany not to buy Russian gas - Democrats, the mainstream media, Stephen Colbert - were doing Putin’s dirty work for him. Well done, idiots! :roll_eyes:


I truly believe that history will prove you wrong on this one. Trump is dirty and the truth will be reviled.


Only by Trump supporters. :wink:


So many months of hearing “When the Mueller report comes out, will you accept the results”?


Democrats had always been suckers, in fact they prey upon the weak minded individuals to maintain their power. Only when they accept individualism which means thinking for themselves, talking care of themselves and not relying on their masters then they can embrace freedom.

Until then they will always be puppets. And Putin knows this.

Thy lied Doug…you didn’t expect them to accept it did you. :sunglasses:

Well we are still waiting on that proof you promised us,to bad libs allowed themselves to become pawns of DNC and their bitterness over 2016 election.

They didn’t expect that they would have to relinquish power to an outsider.

Cool! You’ve seen the report too?!

I’m sure Reno had said “hey I saw the Starr report here’s my 3 page summary everything’s cool” you would have dropped it.

Sorry trump’s still going strong as putin’s chaos bomb.

So you think Rosenstein, who requested the report in the first place, is hiding the real truth, which that Mueller found all sorts of collusion?
And after the report comes out, where do you go with it then?
Will you accept the results of the report?

Putin loves that Donald is our president.

Loves it.

I accept the veracity of Muellers findings given the narrow focus of his investigation.

It’s going to be just like the conclusions on Hillary’s email server scandal.

Dirty as hell but not quite enough solid evidence to prosecute.

Projection thy name is Trumpster.

Whatever else stems from the Mueller report, we know that several Russian agents have been indicted, as well as several criminals in Trump’s circle. Some of the ones in Trump’s circle are already serving their sentences.

I’d say that is a victory for justice. I’m satisfied with whatever else may be in Mueller’s report.

for some reason (actually we all know the reason), many republicans completely skip the whole Russian agents thing.

now, if they really care about America and putting America first, they’ll scream that we need to guarantee that Russian military and Russian agents can’t mess with us going forward.

but i think the senate has blocked funding for exactly that??

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Precisely. This pretty well tells us where there motivation lies. They’ve got “their guy” in office, so everything else be damned.

Interesting, the grandfathers/great grandfathers of the current republicans would be screaming like crazy to not let the Russians mess with us. Their grand kids don’t seem to care much.

I blame too much Gilligan’s Island.

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Yup. Donald supporters have traded their “love for country” for obsession with celebrity.

Wonder who they’ll nominate next? Roseanne Barr? It would be a perfect segue.

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