Putin's real useful idiots: The Democrats and mainstream media!

So you think Rosenstein is not part of the deep state now? That’s progress.

I’m all for prosecuting those Russians. When is the trial scheduled?
Great work Mueller.


I’ll let you know when it comes out.

I still don’t get the Republican fascination with foreign dictators, like Vlad Putin. It seems that Putin is their hero. An idol, someone to look up to, to defend.

Remember when posters would put a picture of bare-chested Putin and compare to Obama wearing a helmet while riding a bike.

So odd.

So that’s what you base this generalization on? Someone years ago posted a picture of Putin compared to Obama? And you even remember that?

Yep, I do, because it wasn’t done one time, it was done several times. And those threads would be 1000 posts long. Every Obama hater would leach onto the thread to laugh and laugh. Manly man Putin and girly-man Obama.

I find it sad that someone would start a thread that sided with Putin over Americans. Just like Trump, I guess.

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Do you think Mueller’s report will have information about Hillary paying for the unverified dossier created by Russians and a British spy?

Are you sure it’s not Hillary with her unverified dossier created by Russians?

Is that you Hillary, you should thank him for the dossier.

Hillary’s email server isn’t over, Judicial Watch is knee deep in it!

Since the dossier contains allegations of misconduct and conspiracy between the campaign and Russia, yes there should be information regarding it.

What about the Russians that helped Hillary with her dossier that the intelligence community used to spy on Trump, is Mueller going to let them off?

I think Mueller will protect Hillary.

Perhaps you missed it, but there were a ■■■■■■■■ of Russians indicted as a direct result of his investigation. Of course, there were a lot of voices screaming “WITCH HUNT!!!” during the investigation, so it is understandable if you missed that little piece of information.

You don’t get Trumpsplaining, do you.



Are they the Russians Hillary colluded with for the dossier?

Domestic dictators are in such short supply. The stage is being set though. Trashing the press; spreading doubt about institutions, particularly law enforcement and intelligence; trashing the other two branches of government when they don’t fall in line; and convincing desperate people that he is the only one to fix this.

Yep, positive.

Whatever. They don’t have such a great track record.

Some times their hate is so strong they love the enemies of those they hate. They gain an alliance any way they can.