Prostitution Anyone?

Because it’s illegal. In places where it’s legal, it’s a business. Remove the stigma and it’s fine.

Logical extension.

Would the law changing cut down on the abuse sex workers endure?

Is that so? Not according to this paper.

Big time.

How do we magically remove a stigma and social taboo that has existed for thousands of years? No it’s not fine. Women who chose to be sex workers are, in most cases, either addicted to illegal drugs or being coerced by their partner or pimp or both. Sex working and exploitation go hand in hand.

But hey, guess who you have on your side on this issue?

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It’s a trade with high wages and no education requirement. It should be legalized and made safer.

Trafficking is a problem, too. That Harvard article was seriously depressing. Second biggest industry behind drugs? For the love of God that’s so messed up. So many ■■■■■■■ young lives destroyed.

Another good article if you are interested.

The same could be said for hit men and bookies.

Bernie’s made enemies with this.

Chelsea Clinton and Meghan McCain both tried it and got laughed at.

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It’s topics like this that show me that most cons are not small government, limited control.

They would definitely like the government to control consensual sex and drug use.

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You don’t know what small government conservative means.

Does it mean more government control of our personal lives?

Show me how prostitution is as destructive to society as murder and theft, and I’ll consider your opinion.

I don’t like a lot of things.

I don’t like people who posts memes on social media. I suppose that should be illegal then?

What I like or don’t like is not the basis for calling something legal or illegal.

As I said, you don’t know what the term small government conservative means. I’ll help you out. Small government conservatives want to reduce the size of the federal government. They do no advocate no government. Now, since I haven’t said one word about federal intervention how am I at odds with conservatism?

Read the articles I posted already.

Porn is just so great. Hey, do you know what the most used search criteria in porn is? “Teen” Know what the number one role for female porn actresses is? Teen. Many of them depicting non-consensual sex.

Because it was a cowardly answer and a not small part of his campaign depends on people relying on him being sincere. It almost certainly doesn’t matter in this race, but I don’t like it. He voted for SESTA/FOSTA which was awful, and his supporters have given him ■■■■ for it so it’s not like this is an issue he isn’t aware about.