Riley Gaines is a swimmer who was recently forced to compete with and share a locker room with a man named Will Thomas pretending to be a women. She recently spoke at a college in San Francisco where she was physically assaulted …
You wanna talk about the man pretending to be a woman who just shot up a school, or maybe the dude that strolled into a locker room with a bunch of girls in their swimsuits showering after PE pronounced “I’m trans” and then got naked and jumped in the shower with those girls…
Trans people (adults they need to stop pushing this crap on our kids) made a decision. And that’s their right it’s a free country…but the rest of us have a right to set some boundaries about particularly men pretending to be women who are biologically and physically very much male are able to do when it infringes on the rights of actual women.
“Investigators discovered photos of nude children, estimated to be as young as 8, in an email account they said was associated with South Dakota billionaire T. Denny Sanford, according to previously sealed records released Thursday.”