Not entirely. There are individuals, usually, but not exclusively, males, who are born with XXY chromosomes. But that is a rare genetic malformation that has nothing to do with the mental dysphoria that is getting all the attention of late. Transgenderism is a trendy mental illness, not biology.
Probably. That is an expensive thing to do for retrofitting existing businesses.
In new construction it wouldn’t cost nearly as much. You lose some capacity but it can be accounted for in the design.
It should never be mandated. But I think business owners planning on designing new buildings should look into it. People generally prefer them over multi occupant.
Hell they probably still do. The Japanese are the least PC people on this planet.
I like what they called them in Policenauts (it’s an old adventure mystery game released only in Japan; there is an English fan translation for the Saturn now which is how I played it). Biovestites.
Every one I ever knew, including a former coworker (he transferred for a promotion) were either bisexual or completely gay. He was bisexual but was more attracted to men.
Really cool dude actually. Hilarious and did all of his own automobile maintenance and repair. Also very knowledgeable about the parts industry. He had the highest retail sales in our store; I only outpaced him because I’m the commercial sales manager. But he built up a clientele. Even the real rednecks (the ones you would assume hate LGBT people) loved him.
A good friend of my Wife’s was dating a guy, who was also a cop.
He had women’s clothes in his closet., and she asked about that…and he said they were his ex-wifes, which she believed, until they day she came home and he was wearing them.