Promises made, balls dropped

Acting as if an anecdote or two can tell you how his policies are affecting farmers as a whole is absurd.

Anti-intellectualism, clearly. By easily denouncing educated opinions, republicans have essential created a way to push “alternative facts,” i.e. pure lies to people who are all about us vs them politics.


Interesting, very interesting…alternative facts.

Acting as if you have a clue what’s going on outside of the internet articles you read is ridiculous, yet faithful. :rofl:

Or wait to the subsidies come to a halt. Then well find the real pulse

Interesting. Educated how? Whose opinions would be a good example?

How long should I wait?

Yeah, cause you get your facts from the streets not numbers and stuff.

Scientists for example. Republicans quite regularly reject the opinions of people who’ve spent significant amounts of time studying, researching and doing experimentation relevant to understanding a particular subject in favor of wackadoo conspiracy theories from people with only elementary knowledge of what they’re attempting to refute.

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Yet we still have a solid net gain.

Half right. Trump is not just bad, he’s completely deplorable. But there will be no healing.

In my opinion, that post is not appropriate given the PG nature of this forum and have acted accordingly.

Something like that. Keep flailing over how experienced reading other people’s opinions on the internet has made you though, it’s cute. :hugs:

You witness the blatant obstruction to anything and everything this President attempts to accomplish and then you ask…why hasn’t it been accomplished? Libs own this division. They are the division. We should all be true to what we believe in but…“we” think these things out for ourselves. It isn’t spoon fed by the media who is simply manipulating your feelings. The state of the country is based on two things right now…facts…and feelings. The facts are being investigated by Horowitz, Durham and Barr. The feelings are expressed by almost every news outlet in this country…orange man baaa, baaa, baaad. This thread, in the very first sentence recognizes the national divide but clearly misses…maybe intentionally…the root source.

Look in the mirror people…have you been sheoplized?

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You should take your own advice…

I do…every…day.

Maybe buy a new mirror then… :wink:

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Probably on a 7 year wait.

I don’t think that’s accurate. Didn’t trump renege on that deal in the 11th hour? Or am I thinking of something else?

Hmm. What does SF stand for in that screen name?