Project 2025 . . . the democrat leadership’s new shiny object for distraction

Listen to our Democrat Party’s television propagandists on MSNBC - Andrea Mitchell, Jonathan Capehart, Joy Reid, Joe Scarborough, Rachel Maddow, Al Sharpton, etc. - and their newly adopted 24/7 drum beating about “Project 2025” being a blueprint for Trump to establish a dictatorship and destroy our so-called “democracy”, and it becomes self-evident their objective is to distract the public from the Democrat Leadership’s ongoing attack on the United States, by creating fear that a conspiracy is afoot under the banner of “Project 2025”.

So, just what is Project 2025? It is a 800+ page document disseminated by The Heritage Foundation which boils down to a manifesto to correct perceived dangers that are putting the very moral and underpinning foundations of the United States “in peril”.

Now, to all those who have been paying attention, is it not true the Democrat Party Leadership has been guilty for generations of accusing others of what they themselves are guilty of? And, is it not equally true the Democrat Party Leadership has accomplished many of the destructive Communist goals listed in The Congressional Record, January, 10th, 1963?

While Project 2025 certainly appears to be a sincere and innocuous effort to identify and correct current politically impose policies destructive to a freedom loving nation, there is no question the Democrat Leadership and their communist friendly propagandists in our big media have found a way to use Project 2025 as a distraction from focusing on the Democrat Party Leadership’s own actions which have, inch by inch and generation by generation, brought the United States to the brink of resembling a totalitarian, one party ruled State, similar to that found in communist controlled China, Russia and Cuba.


Today’s mainstream media outlets ___ ProPublica, Media Matters, MSNBC, NEW YORK TIMES, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR, WASHINGTON POST, ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, New York Daily News, Time, in addition to Hollywood, Facebook, Google, Apple, Politico, Snopes, Fact Check… ETC., and their countless Yellow Journalists, make Russia’s old Pravda, [an organ of the old Communist Party of the Soviet Union] look like propaganda amateurs.


Trump on Project 2025: “Some on the right – severe right – came up with this Project 25. And I don’t even know … they’re sorta the opposite of the radical left … I don’t know what the hell it is … some of the things – they’re seriously extreme.”

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Trump becomes the gospel when it’s convenient. :wink:


So Trump thinks people from the “severe right” came up with 2025? Interesting.

Six of his former Cabinet secretaries helped write or collaborated on the 900-page playbook for a second Trump term published by the Heritage Foundation. Four individuals Trump nominated as ambassadors were also involved, along with several enforcers of his controversial immigration crackdown. And about 20 pages are credited to his first deputy chief of staff.

In fact, at least 140 people who worked in the Trump administration had a hand in Project 2025


Can someone post the actual text, or link to the actual text of this latest distraction. Not from ANY right/left biased link, just the actual text. I have friends saying all kinds of crazy ■■■■ but without actual text I have nothing to refute rumor, dis/misinformation about it.

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I provided a link in the OP. But remember, the object of making Project 2025 an issue, and what it is, is to distract from what the Democrat Leadership has done to the United States during the past four years.


smart politics from him


i refuse to buy you spin of innocuous.

In Our Opinion: Project 2025 represents an ominous blueprint for second Trump presidency.

“Perhaps most ominously, it trumpets the values of the increasingly powerful religious right. Project 2025 lays out proposals to use federal power to combat abortion and restrict contraceptive coverage. It even suggests that creators and distributors of pornography should be “imprisoned.”



Which makes it clear that Trump and this project are not connected. If Democrats want to hold it against the Heritage Foundation fine. It is not legitimate to hold it against Trump, whatever it contains.
Since Trump has rejected it and I could care less about the Heritage Foundation, I don’t see any reason for me to look into its details.

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they picked Trumps RW SCOTUS selections.

you might care less.

trump is listening to them.


that was the federalist society.

get your lies right!


I agree that trump isn’t personally connected to 2025, but members of his administration have their fingerprints all over it. That’s a more important connection to me.

not a lie but a mistake.

i apologize for mixing up the crazy Rightie fringe.


People who are against abortion have a legitimate right to express their opinions on the subject.
Since Trump is running, I am more interested in his views…which seem to be this is a state issue…which is both the correct view and one represented by the Constitution.

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Trump, unfortunately, doesn’t have an administration.

Former administration.

former administration. just like the former POTUS.


So he’s lying?

Clearly this 2025 thing is the ultimate in conspiracy theories and distractions from a political party that knows it’s in trouble. Nothing more to it.

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