Project 2025 . . . the democrat leadership’s new shiny object for distraction

where would you get that from? It’s smart politics. Stay away from the edges, live in the middle.

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There is only one candidate in the race that’s likely to pick up parts, if not the full text, of Project 2025, and it ain’t Biden

Yes. A Heritage Foundation document written in part by a bunch of former Trump administration members should be dismissed as a conspiracy theory.

Of course not. He’s following the path of the “proggie left”. Those that want to fundamentally change this country.

Over the last 3 years, the American people have seen enough of this change.

Hopefully, come Jan 2025 the “proggie left” will be sent packing.

It is no more radical than Bernie Sanders road map that Biden’s been following. And, so what if Trump might agree with some of it? Take the good, leave the rest.

This is the most likely scenario. Trump will distance himself from 2025 because of the optics. But depending on who has his ear in a possible new administration, you may see pieces of the plan come to fruition.

nothing wrong with that. One thing that won’t come in is the abortion ideas. Trump is 100% correct on that, not a federal issue.


That seems possible. I just gave it about a ten minute scan. It looks to be an outline of how conservatives would want different agencies to be run. Scary if you are a progressive Democrat, not so much if you are a conservative.
As Trump is running as somewhere in between a populist and a conservative, it is likely he would align with some of what is written there but not all.

Thanks, will try to read thru it.

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Gaslighting an unpopular agenda. No one’s ever heard of a “heritage” foundation. Is it about preserving statues?


Now there’s another lib boogeyman. “Religious Right”. The issues your opinion (note: OPINION) piece raise might be supported by the Religious Right, but they are not truly RELIGIOUS issues.

But raise panic when you can spin them as ReLiGiOn.

Libs are desperate.


More BIgAl dishonesty.


I’m sure there are words you disagree with. Sentences. Even whole concepts from among the 600+ pages therein. Does that make every “part” anathema for you?

Do you believe that Trump wouldn’t adopt some of those things even if the document were never written?

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So what?

Trump was quoted saying that the “severe right” came up with Project 2025. This implies Trump then surrounds himself with and employs people from the extreme right.

You can refuse to acknowledge the Democrat Leadership is guilty of accusing others of what they themselves are guilty of all you want, but the truth cannot be changed to what it is not.

American citizens are now paying the price for the Democrat Leadership’s planned invasion of the United States and babbling on and on about Project 2025 being a conspiracy is not working as a distraction, even though every talking head on MSNBC is instructed to mention it every third sentence.

So there



“Under today’s authoritarian democrat party leadership, our government doesn’t help to fix the nation’s problems. It tries to fix the people, like Trump and his supporters, who dare to point to the nation’s problems”

So you accept that because Trump said it, it must be true? Isn’t that a first for you?

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I don’t like extreme on either side but in this day and age I’ll take the extreme right over the extreme left who has a stronghold in the Democrat Party and government power to affect lives and the security of the country whereas the extreme right is still on the PNL (point & laugh) fringe of society.

Trump obviously believes it.

Trump is absolutely correct that the Democrat Leadership has, for generations, turned its back on their voters. But the good news is, they are finally giving the finger to the Democrat Leadership and joining with Trump to make America great once again.