Progressivism beginning to resemble a religious cult bent on suicide -Tucker Carlson


As if the so-called “skinny repeal” that McCain voted against was anything close to being a repeal and a replacement of Obamacare. This lie is one of the worst propagated by the Trump sycophants. That joke of a piece of legislation was nothing. And the replacement plan being promoted was Obamacare-lite. It was going to maintain around 95% of Obamacare in its current form. Who lied here was Trump, who said he had a replacement plan that would be better and cheaper for everyone ready to go on day 1. One of the biggest lies of his campaign.

Last I checked, Congress writes the Bills, President signs or vetoes. Obama care was written by Pelosi and Reid, not Obama. And it was nothing like Obama promised, and didn’t save anyone money.

It was so bad they had to mandate (force) people get it.

Trump did overturn the mandate, that cut the heart out of Obama care. He will complete the process soon, Congress will do something soon.

Have you any explanation for what we see?

For example, I suppose most folks (including Progressives) know to stay out of a crime ridden neighborhood. IN fact, many of them live in security gated communities to keep out the criminal element. But Islamists from a 7th century culture are much more dangerous than US criminals.

But instead of wanting protection from them, they advance open border policies that are designed to import Islamists by the millions, right into the neighborhoods they live.

Its suicidal.

Can you explain how it is not?

Didn’t Heir Trump promise to defund Planned Parenthood? Didn’t he just sign a bill to fully fund them? Oh let me guess, it wasn’t his fault right?

Omnibus, lots in there Trump didn’t agree with, but to get the military money he signed it.

He’s also defunded PP wherever he can by EO.

Lets see if the sacred cow of the left genocidal PP (millions of black babies slain by progressive $$$) continues throughout Trump’s term.

While leftist PP is killing off a large percentage of American black children, the muslims their open border policies have high birth rates and don’t abort their babies.

And they hate progressives, hate their politics, hate their secularism, hate their agenda, hate them when they get up, and when they lay down, and when they walk on the way.

They hate everything about progressives, and thanks to progressive open border policies, when they achieve the numbers they have in some European cities, progressives will be an endangered species.

There is some justice in that.

But it clearly indicates progressivism is a suicidal cult, like lemmings running off a cliff.

Fried Snickers bars can be amazingly delicious.

Yeah he fully funded them, and you can bet he will do it again. He can’t keep the government open without it.

You can make all the excuses you want for him. He said he would defund them, he hasn’t point blank.

No, its been almost a year. Scott Adam’s book “Win Bigly: Perusasion in a world where facts don’t matter”

He opened my eyes. I’ve been on discussion boards for decades arguing all sorts of stuff, mostly religion. It doesn’t work. You can’t convince people to change opinions they are emotionally invested in.

Most people believe what they do for irrational reasons. It may be the prevailing opinion of the crowd, someone they love or respect. But it isn’t believed because the matter was critically investigated.

So when a person’s “irrational belief” is contradicted by reality (fact, logic)…

“–they typically and immediately hallucinate that your argument is some kind of absurd absolute instead of whatever reasonable thing you actually said. That instant hallucination provides the critic something with which they can easily disagree.”

Adams, Scott. Win Bigly: Persuasion in a World Where Facts Don’t Matter (pp. 56-57). Penguin Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

He’s right, happens nearly all the time. Usually prefaced with a “LOL” or “Dude” or “What an idiot!”

Its hilarious once you are aware its coming, entertaining.

And it spares the effort of trying to convince, the delusion won’t be convinced during these episodes of cognitive dissonance.

Cognitive Dissonance illustrated. Imagine its you making the innocent “lets move the button here” comment:

Confirmation Bias is to Cognitive Dissonance that cars are to Avis.

We all form opinions irrationally, on the spur of the moment our brains “leap over Gand Canyons of the unknown” to decide what we believe, if we like the belief, the person teaching the belief or the community having the belief.

But then when we look for facts to back up the opinion, we scan the data and ONLY NOTICE what confirms the belief, NOT what contradicts it.

Then we tell ourselves “we have a rational fact based belief”. When in fact, its all a delusion.

But I don’t go as far as Scott Adams, he seems to despair he can overcome the hard wiring for short cuts our brains make.

I disagree, any stereotype can be destroyed by critical analysis. I did it when I became a Christian discarding the irrational belief in evolution.

No, he’s right.

They are about as frantic today as the Koreshians or Jonestown clan.

The lemming like group think is incredible. I have no doubt in their personal lives, if they saw of group of ISIS youth chanting God is great and death to the infidels, they wouldn’t go near them.

But with open borders, they are inviting them to live in their neighborhood. Its empirically provable when Islamists achieve are strong enough to force their culture on their neightbors, they do.

Then open border progressives are surrounded.

That is just like a suicidal cult.

I was just referring to the never ending tantrum and “they’re out to get us” mentality.

Lots of bunker talk going on right about now.

You suffer from mid term election delusion, thinking the rs will keep the house. They will not.


Wow I really touched a nerve. 3 panicky verbose replies.


You may be able to pull off this shtick with people who don’t know any better. But those of us who do, know that the Executive branch is integral in the development of legislation. Actively involved in all pieces of legislation that is part of their agenda, and which they seek to have passed.

And this does not negate the point that Trump lied when he said that HE personally had a plan developed that would replace the ACA an be better and cheaper for everyone, ready to go on Day 1. Nor does this negate the reality that the “skinny repeal” and the plan that Trump helped negotiate and propose, was just Obamacare-lite and maintained about 95% of Obamacare. It was a joke.

Wait. Didn’t you just tell us that Congress writes the bills. The President only signs or vetoes? If that is the case, then the repeal of the mandate credit goes to Ryan and McConnell, not to Trump. Right?

And all repeal of the mandate did was ensure prices would be driven up higher. That is nowhere close to a repeal of Obamacare. Obamacare still exists in total. Just more expensive now.

It is amazing seeing how you buy into the stereotypes and fail to employ the tough task of critical thinking here. “The mandate repeal cut the heart out of Obamacare!” Get out of here with that propaganda nonsense. :rofl:

Baked Milky Way cake is even better.

We talking left, right, Donald, or all three?