Progressivism beginning to resemble a religious cult bent on suicide -Tucker Carlson

The Thing is with Trump is that you cannot trust him to hold up his end of the bargain.

sorry Trump is extremely untrustworthy.

Thats just the way it is.


He’s kept his campaign promises better than any president in history, so what you say is unfounded, facts contradict your conclusion. Big time.

at least you didnt say Lubes…

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he certainly did repeal and replace Obamacare on day 1, I will give him kudos on that.


Article from Salon on Alec Baldwin’s homophobia…

Yet, he’s still on NBC…

and he built that HUGE wall and Mexico did pay for it big time. Boy that Trump. a man of his word.


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He tried, McCain didn’t keep his video promises before the election, and derailed the repeal and replace.

McCain dishonored himself. Youtube videos galore with him promising to end Obamacare, not fix it. He lied, he voted to keep it.

He has’t left office yet, give him time. They will pay for it.

You betray a gross ignorance of how our Republic runs. Congress makes laws, President only signs or veto’s what they send.

Trump will get them to build and fund the wall, its politics but will be done.

Lolz sure they will.

Pot: Hey Kettle!!!
Kettle: What up?
Pot: You’re black
Kettle: :thinking::face_with_raised_eyebrow:

The cult of 45 is just as bad and just as dangerous


you guys are too much

Trying is not doing.

Obama didnt try to kill Osama. He did.

Obama didnt try and reform healthcare insurance. He did.

Obama didnt try and help DACA persons. He did.


I dunno - Kettle looks Persian to me bro.

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I’m going to chalk this up as sincere ignorance because as a Born Again Christian, you shouldn’t perpetuating falsehoods and lies. God sees us even in cyberspace.

Obama promised to close Gitmo, he tried tried and tried. Congress passed a bill that said he couldn’t spend $1 on closing it. So he couldn’t. For eight years he tried and failed.

You would NOT count that as a failed promise. You would correctly blame Congress for that.

The hypocrisy is noted. Trump derangement syndrome is revealing how nutty the left is every day, and “Trump Democrats” are leaving the nutballs in enough numbers to win the midterms for Republicans.

The nuttier the left gets, saying MS13 has a divine spark, wanting to flood the country with welfare recipients working stiff gotta pay for, the more vote Republican.

Thanks. Stay loony. It does us good.

Cognitive Dissonant reply. If the OP is logically flawed, it would be simple to demonstrate that.

But you can’t, the logic is impeccable.

Progressive Open Border desire to flood the country with Progressive Hating Muslims who have a history of KILLING progressives all over the earth. That is suicidal. Therefore, progressive resemble a religious cult bent on suicide.

To me too:


McCain wanted to end Obamacare because he believes it’s bad for the country. Of course he’s going to vote for keeping it if the replacement looks worse for the country.

GOP leadership wasn’t even pretending they had a good bill–they were promising him they would quickly fix it in reconciliation because it was garbage in their opinion too. How can you hold it against McCain for putting the brakes on that?

You must be really pleased to have learned this term last week.