Professor accurately predicted last nine elections

But it’s clear he was NOT found innocent as you claimed.

if theres no evidence of crime guess what.

“not not guilty” is meaningless doublespeak

he said that to fire up the ■■■■■■■ dems like nadler and batty pelosi

You are making up his reasons.

no just stating my personal theory about his motives

its pretty obvious. he came out to stoke the “impeach” fire

2000 and 2016 were incredibly close elections, 2004 was pretty close too. Had the coin landed on tails, we would have never heard of this guy.

Does it say when exactly he made these prediction? I doubt he did 19 months before the other elections. A lot will change between now and November 2020.

Why aren’t you talking this up with House repugs if it’s the winner for dems like you think it is.

House republicans have no say in it.

But you no that.

pelosi is a coward.

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The only thing the liberals are consistent with is running the same old goats. Pelosi was put back where she was. Biden is running because Democrats want the same old same old. Pretty bad message to be sending. Not very diverse.

They can team w/ dissident dems and push it through no problem. The dems lead the charge, done deal and you call it.

Two term trump. Has a nice ring to it.

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In an orange jumpsuit, his face will simply disappear.

You were close.

Gore lost 2000 election partly due to Clinton fatigue.
Gore also lost 2000 election partly due to the fact that every debate, a different Gore was on stage. Bush came across as just a guy doing his best. Gore was cocky one debate, trying to be over-intellectual the next. People couldn’t connect with him.

Yep, plus the “Read my Lips” line.

Clinton connected with Americans. He played saxophone and talked about what underwear he wore. Bush would never discuss that, he would think it was “beneath” what Presidential candidates discuss.

Barring a recession President Trump wins reelection handily.

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Not without a crime of any sort.

Impeachment will make Trump an even bigger folk hero to the working American.

He fought DC and won.

Go for it Nancy. I feel bad for her, she loses either way.

The dear professor is correct about Trump winning in 2020 and will be 10 for 10.


I made a prediction in 2016 also.

Not bad, got all but three of them. Laughed at by my liberal friends for two days before the election, then stunned silence. It’s really easy to make these kinds of predictions when one isn’t a hardcore political forumite, because the absolute ■■■■ people say online has nothing to do with how the rest of the country is going to vote. :sunglasses:

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All he has to do is keep unemployment rates “below” 8%. :wink:

Great predictions.

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Saying he would do something is not a glowing endorsement that action should occur.

A wild card may be what happens to Julian Assange prior to the 2020 presidential elections . Wikileaks may feel inclined to release information about Trump that could be highly damaging to his re-election chances.