Problem Solved!: Trey Gowdy Joins the Impeachment Defense Team

The Spartanburg Republican’s eight-year congressional tenure ended Thursday, and Gowdy told The Greenville News he has no plans to return to politics, including as a government lobbyist.

“There’s no way I’ll return to it,” Gowdy said before announcing his new role at the firm. "I’m not going to lobby. And if I enjoyed politics, I wouldn’t be leaving.”

It’s a shame his legal skills and knowledge atrophied so much that he didn’t remember the federal law on lobbying within 12 months of leaving office… Perhaps HOA law is his thing now…

well then why doesn’t he start today? dum…dum…dummmmm

Gosh. I don’t know. He joined the legal team. And there it is.

He can’t legally join the team till January… Kind of embarrassing for a lawyer to announce he is joining the team only to realize later he can’t join for a couple of months because of federal law… You would think an expert in federal law would know this…

swampy lawyer cant lawyer because his swampiness job makes him unable to do a lawyering

Outside counsel. I suspect this will blow up in the Dems faces well before January. If not, I have a lot of confidence in Trey.

Well, looks like he will want to speak to the manager about that!

Trey himself is saying he can’t be part of the Trump team till January… What do you expect him to do? Violate federal law?

Yeah if there’s anyone who can make a sincere credible argument that documents shouldn’t be turned over to Congress, it’s Trey Benghazi Gowdy.


To be fair, he does have experience getting run over by a member of the Executive branch.

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