Pro-Trump Disabled Vet Threatened With Criminal Prosecution For Confronting Terrorist Apologist On Campus

Show of hands: How many people on this thread have seen what Sharia justice looks like, up close, first hand?

I mean like close enough you can smell it?


Can’t just be ME can it?

We have careers to protect. It doesn’t appear you have that concern.

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Oh doesn’t it?

It’s ok man. Not everyone has the character to stand behind everything they say in the public square.

Progress, not perfection.

Hey man. What’s it like never being able to act on your convictions or speak your mind?
Do you like it? Is it easy and comfortable?
Do you like buying everything they sell you and going along with the crowd and deliberately ignoring things that don’t quite seem right?
Is that the easier better way I’m missing here?

Because this is hard work, and telling the truth sure ain’t popular.

I just figured I’d ask.

Yes, bring your friends over, the more crazies the better. :wink:


You’re not allowed to use your actual name or personal details here.

“your full name (optional)”

I’m with Gaius here.

I tend to lean toward supporting your actions against the school if you were forced out for political reasons but you are doing nothing to help your case here with the rambling diatribes.

There’s a near endless list of groups out there providing help to veterans, particularly disabled Afghanistan and Iraqi war veterans and you should be contacting as many of them as you can find to get some help with your legal battles.

You should also be working with the VA. They can access all of the records relating to your dismissal from VU.

Picking fights online isn’t going to solve any problems for you, in fact it will only leave you in an even worse place mentally.

Rethink your strategy, make a plan, work the plan until you succeed.

I’m sorry. I’m a counterpuncher.

I certainly wouldn’t be reaching out to people on Hannity’s forum if I had any other recourse.

I know this sounds crazy… but that program that did what it did is literally the most prolific producer of local and state officials in all of the Pennsylvania and many of the jurisdictions in Central and South Jersey.

OIF and OEF vet’s groups have legal aid for helping with things like benefits, divorce, bankruptcy, etc. but not what’s considered private litigation.

BTW I didn’t pick that fight.

I responded to it.

Considering the GI bill is one of the biggest benefits provided to veterans I’m pretty sure if you work hard enough you can find some help. I know if you find the right person at the VA you can get help there as well. It’s still far from a perfect organization today but it’s been vastly improved over the last couple of decades compared to what it was in the post Vietnam Era.

Hannityland is a great place to hang out but it isn’t the answer to your troubles.

Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson and guys like them are just about the only people conservatives in my position can turn to.

Or so I thought.

Hopefully he sees this and I can get some traction. His staff has to be looking at it as a moderator at some point.

We’re talking about an educational institution for high level bureaucrats. And I lost the game of paperwork chess.

I call VA and tell them what happened and they tell me to sue. I call every lawyer within 100 miles and they say they have a conflict of interest. If I hire someone outside that range I have to pay their travel in addition to fees for appearances in court. And because of the withdrawals my income has been cut in half.

It’s alright, though. I’m tenacious. And stubborn. And I’m not going away.

First they ignore you.
Then they laugh at you.
Then they fight you.
Then you win.

That doesn’t work as often as you believe it does.

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Sean doesn’t peruse the forum looking for topics to engage on. I’ve been around for ten years or so and have yet to find where he has done so.

I understand your desperation and frustration. I dealt regularly with the VA for better than ten years trying to get some issues resolved. Half the people I dealt with didn’t seem to care, they were just there drawing a check and the other half seemed to be too lazy to do anything that wasn’t quick and easy.

About one in a hundred of them seemed to be decent folks that really gave a damn and worked hard to help the vets they are supposed to serve.

Yeah I know. One of the things the organization I run that got me thrown out on my ear advocates to change that on a daily basis.

I’m sorry you had that experience, but please tell people about it early and often.


My trouble with the VA was nothing compared to what the majority of Vietnam Vets were going through at the time or a decade or two earlier.

When I got out the first time Vets were still fighting to get covered for exposure to Agent Orange and other chemical defoliants that gave them various cancers.

No, it seems you have them all covered. :wink:

again im a disabled vet and i had zero issues with anyone politically… maybe if you take it down a few notches people will be willing to at least listen to you

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Maybe not Sean but his people do.

I’ve open up topic about dozen time and next day it become a talking point.

One of biggest one is about republicans created Trump.