Pro-Trump Disabled Vet Threatened With Criminal Prosecution For Confronting Terrorist Apologist On Campus

Good luck with that simple request.

I actually watched your video all the way through and while it does sound like you have been screwed and need help it’s rather difficult to figure out exactly what has been done to you or why.

Did you contact your case officer at the VA before withdrawing?

@LouC I explain everything in the video. - YouTube

I don’t have a case officer. I’m not seeking a claim. I’ve been rated for almost a decade.

I called everyone I could all the way up to big VA.

Apparently they’re really good at doing this because they didn’t leave a single paper trail that I can get a hold of without a subpoena.

Here’s a part of a letter I sent to one of the Free Speech on Campus Lawyers.

"I begin,

I am the executive director of the registered 501(c)3 veterans’ advocacy nonprofit That entity has been registered with the state of Pennsylvania since October of 2016.

The organization demands reform of the innumerable deficiencies and administrative malpractices of the Veterans’ Administration, strong support for Israel, denoucement of Sharia Law and Islamofascism and the proper support for the US’ efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan.

It is no secret to the faculty and students of the Villanova Masters of Public Administration Program that I have been the director of this nonprofit for my entire time on campus and that I have been a H2H coach and volunteer since the beginning of my tenure at the University.

Rather, great lengths were gone to in order to accommodate my class attendance while traveling with a group of wounded warriors in Israel last year.

Because of a congenital heart defect, and a flu that was contracted while I was brought into the hospital during the spring semester of last academic year, I was forced to withdrawal from school.

While I was in recovery, I received the attached card (Get Well Soon Card.pdf) from my Program Director, Catherine Wilson.

After some back-and-forth with the Dean of Graduate Studies, Christine Palus, I was allowed to return for the Fall semester and resume my studies. As part of that process, I was required to take an elective class outside of my intended major. In order to determine which class I might take (since my previous adviser stopped being responsive to my communications after I pointed out in public that mandatory diversity training does not add to mission accomplishment in public) I was advised by Catherine Wilson. The content of that email communication is included in 1.pdf and finalized in 2.pdf.

According to those communications, Dr. Wilson was well happy with my choice of Middle East Politics.

During the first class meeting on 5 September 2017, I was asked to choose a topic in which to lead discussion. I chose the topic of the Islamic State. On 12 September I lead the class in the discussion “is the Islamic state Islamic”. On the evening of 15 September, after the attack on the Parsons Green Tube Station I drafted and sent an email (at the request of the professor) on my topic of discussion to the class about the latest attack of the Islamic state. That email included a link to a video that debunked the idea that the Crusades and Islamic jihad were morally equivalent – a topic hotly debated in class that evening.

On September 19th, the professor replied with order that no further discussion topics should be shared. (3.pdf).

The following week, when I was asked by the Heroes to Heroes Foundation to attend a fundraiser event and speak on behalf of the program, I sent an email to the professor Catherine Warrick informing her of my duties and that I would not be able to attend class. (4.pdf).

In the time between when I notified the professor of my work obligations and that I was involved with an Israeli American charity, she somehow decided that it would be necessary to raise a complaint to Dean Christine Palus of my behavior and ask that I be penalized. I received a request to meet with my Program Director to resolve the conflict on September 27th (5.pdf).

After negotiating the meeting which I was absolutely astonished would be necessary (6.1.pdf, 6.2.pdf, 6.3.pdf) I conducted the meeting with the Program director after some minor confustion.

The following class, I resolved to say absolutely nothing in class and just listen to what was being taught. However, I was unable to do so. In attachment (7.pdf) I sent a request to the Program Director begging for a reprieve from my plight. And, without an answer, sent an email later that night in a frank, candid tone to the professor asking for how she would like to resolve the issue (8.pdf).

The email chain (9.pdf) concluding on October 12th was delayed while I asked advice from every person I trusted with my honor, my dignity and my security of person and property.

And, after receiving a call from the Chief of Public Safety this afternoon (10.pdf) I immediately started weighing options for what to do next.

This is thuggery. I have done NOTHING to constitute a criminal act. Following the conversation and receipt of email from the Chief, I emailed my program director and requested the withdrawal from the course.

I am being gas-lit.

I am not violent, I have not threatened or intimidated anyone.

I have received information that a member of my organization (which is protected by the first amendment) has tweeted “at” Catherine Warrick in response to her criticisms of US forces on the ground in Afghanistan as well as other numerous topics alarming and offensive to Christian Conservatives.

However, as Twitter has been determined to be the “Public Square” her public life online should be – by law – unprotected by an expectation of privacy.

I have the sneaking suspicion, since the Chief mentioned it in our phone conversation that I am being offered amnesty from paying back my Post 9/11 GI Bill obligations to the VA in exchange for my silence.

I am grateful for any advice you might be able to provide. I’m afraid to set foot onto campus not for fear of arrest on a false charge."

What are you talking about?

You think you explain everything in your long, but fact devoid video, but the questions I asked were not answered in your video.

In fact your rant filled video only left me with far more questions.

I want, truly do want, any real wrong visited on you to be rectified. However, with just the one batch of e-mail exchanges you made public that I read it began to look to me that the actions taken by Villanova against you were justified in their scope.

There was nothing in them I could see that supported your contention that you are the fully innocent victim you seem to want people to believe you are.

I appreciate your military service and thank you for your service to me and to every other American. I have a grandson suffering PTSD; he served in Iraq. The VA rules I feel, in regards veteran educational benefits, should reflect a more lenient (?) attitude or a more forgiving one that does not penalize veteran students who may need to withdraw from curriculum.

I feel the VA should be a better advocate for veteran students in this respect. Schools should be more accommodating to students who have served, pro-rating tuition and fees for dropped classes and the VA should be forgiving of these costs based on legitimate issues.

From what little I know of your case, I feel, with all due respect, your passion, being most understandable, the classroom was not the place to argue feelings on the matter. You, in my opinion, blew it.

That doesn’t seem very neutral, but thanks for sharing.

If you’re going to go around using words like “Islamofascism” and denouncing Sharia Law, you’re not going to get very far in a rigorous academic setting. It’s a university, not the comments section on Breitbart. Linking to Youtube videos as your source material? It sounds like 'Nova has bent over backwards to accomodate you but you’re shocked to find your ideas are not academically sound and aren’t taking it very well. Just my opinion from reading your version of events.


I’m on your side “from the get go” but the description you have written is a confusing mess.

I hope you have not been sending a series of such ramblings to campus authorities.

It sounds to me like you are tying together 6 or so things that are uneccesary. “I had to speak with thus group” “this is the nature of my illness,” “this is why I took this class not that one,” " there was a hot debste in class."

Sympathetic though I am not even sure if you received an unfair grade or were accused of making threats or what your grievence is.


i think this was all fabricated in his head…

Please see the copy of the attorney letter I posted below.

Thank you for your opinion.

You’re welcome.

I hope you did not take it too hard.

Start with a good solid thesis statement
such as “I have been accused of making threats. I believe these are false accusations.”


“I have been told I will fail a needed class because I could not attend on a day I was scheduled to speak to the class. My absence that day was necessary and should have been excused.”

Doing so will make your message stronger.

I wish you well.

The polite opportunity extended, for him to back off on his aggressive Right Wing posturing, behavior that was detailed as disrupting the class, and had been noted thus, was ignored by him. He could not let it go.

The woman took $40k to study the possibility of implementing Sharia Law in the US at the municipal level.

And she had ideological tests asking students to compare and contrast Al-Jazeera and Fox News in her syllabus.

She taught with materials from before the Arab Spring. That’s like a teacher in 1867 Alabama teaching about the great leadership and enlightened philosophies of Jefferson Davis.

She endorsed the Muslim Brotherhood as a community organization. She called Hamas a political party and Hezzbollah a militia.

She openly and blatantly had discourse that endorsed violence by the left perpetrated on the right.

And then she MADE UP A STORY about being “harassed” so that I would be at best arrested, or at worst shot on sight.

It’s real easy to connect the dots here: Flare goes up in class when I oppose affirmative action and ask for evidence of it’s efficacy right before the election. Dean becomes aware of my orientation. I have to leave for a semester because of heart problems, then they make me fight to get back in. When they realize they HAVE to let me back in, they limit my options for classes until I’m placed into a course with the RADICAL who eventually gaslights me.

Gaslighting complete, I am asked to “interview” with a chartered and official law enforcement agency in the state of Pennsylvania with full special police arrest powers under the jurisdiction of Radnor, PA.

An agency who was already informed that I am a concealed carrier.

If I set ONE FOOT on that campus I would have at least been arrested for… NOTHING. I might even have been shot on sight if I made a false move going for my ID.


I have more confidence in Barney Fife.


I gotta tell ya. I never thought I’d get this kind of response on a Hannity page.

And @PeterGriffin, by the way, this is the United States of America. I should be allowed to walk down the middle of campus waving a Black Panther banner, wearing a German Pith Helmet and calling for the conversion of the whole class to Scientology if I want to.

Without repercussion.

Sharia Law IS fascism. With Muhammad as dictator. And it’s just as bloody and vile everywhere it pops up as the Third Reich.

And if she is allowed to peddle the propaganda she’s being paid to distribute, I ought to be able to stand up and say it’s wrong.

The time for patting leftists on the head and coddling them for being emotionally injured when your facts hurt their feelings is OVER.



Is that your understanding of “free speech”, you get to say what you want wherever you want with no consequences?

I’d be curious to hear the schools side of the story. It sounds like you’re kind of a disruptive sort who was shocked to find out his inchoate belief system didn’t withstand the slightest scrutiny and you’re lashing out and making a lot of wild, unsupportable accusations and frankly just can’t really handle having your beliefs challenged.


[quote=“EXWildcat, post:35, topic:256”]
The woman took $40k to study the possibility of implementing Sharia Law in the US at the municipal level.

And she had ideological tests asking students to compare and contrast Al-Jazeera and Fox News in her syllabus.

The scope of the grant Professor Catherine Warrick received was to sturdy and research what was already taking place in Canada and the UK back in 2009 regarding Muslims in those countries seeking state-sanctioned Islamic law within their own communities. The grant was to afford the study and research of the broader aspects of how such requests are being accepted or denied, the acceptance of communities and the political ramifications of this.

Professor Catherine Warrick was not advocating for the establishment of Islamic law in western countries with the grant monies she received.

I see nothing untoward with what you say she had in her syllabus regarding a comparison of Al-Jezeera vs Fox News, if that is as simplified as the project really was, which I have every reason to doubt based on your transparent attempts to paint this whole issue with your pronounced Right Wing bias.


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The grant monies Professor Warrick received were to fund the research from the award date to an end date in 2011.

To think nothing valuable could have been learned in and with that research is just downright silly.

We are getting here a very much one sided, extremely biased, half of a whole story.

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