Pro Palestinian Road Blocker...(Meddic should have used a blow torch)

This insufferable Pro-Palestinian supporter blocked the roadway on the Golden Gate Bridge. He put his hand and arm in a small pvc tube. Attached to his wrist, was a small d-ring. Then he put a piece of re-bar through the pvc, with his finger around the pvc and through the d-ring attached to his wrist. As a result, he can not remove his arm even if he wants to, because the re-bar is going through the d-ring. So a medic cuts the bottom of the re-bar and wants to remove it from the pvc tube, but the idiot is screaming about how much pain they are putting him through. Evidently he doesnt know they are filming all this. He refuses to let go of the re-bar. They should have used a propane torch to heat the re-bar. He would have let go much quicker with less screaming about all the pain that he wasnt enduring.


People like that are why we should bring back mental institutions.


Being stupid should be painful. I remember hearing something about the justice system in China some 40 years ago. They were saying that if a guy robbed an individual, he might receive 1 year in jail. If the same guy stole from his electric company, he might receive 10 years in jail. The thought process was by stealing from the individual, he was affecting one person. By stealing from the electric company, he was affecting thousands.

I would like us to jail these people without parole for a year minimum first offence. If the punishment is painful, they will stop. As it is now, they get the attention they crave and each protest tries to out-due the previous one and the citizenry has to bear the pain of their actions. Let’s make them bear the pain.


They will stop protesting?

Im sorry. I thought it was clear. Perhaps i’m mistaken. I really thought we were talking about blocking roadways. I even mentioned it in the title. What am I missing?

Are they doing so in order to get attention to what they are protesting?

Sure looks that way to me. Protest all you want but the citizenry is not required to pay attention to your protest. Blocking roads is a way of forcing people to pay attention to your cause. That should not be allowed.


I agree with all of that except the last sentence whynot? Why should it not be allowed? Inconvenience?

I’ll flip it. My question to you is why should it be allowed?

People through out the ages have been selling their time. From something as simple as working at McDonalds or baby sitting. Truck Drivers get paid by the miles that are driven. Workers are getting paid by arriving at their jobs on time. People that miss a flight, or God forbid, dont get to a hospital on time may die.

Why should a protester be able to steal “time” from all the people that are using the road way?

Standing in the road is just as recklessly endangering lives as driving 100+MPH on that same road.


Of course it is. But that’s not what they are doing. They are walking into medium to heavy traffic to stop traffic.

Walking into traffic is just as reckless and endangering as driving 100+MPH on that same road.

Reckless endangerment - charge them with that. No new laws needed.


Because it’s protest.

The few hours of inconvenience seems like what the actual issue is but should we be inconvenienced with other people exercising speech

I look at one’s “Time” as a form of ones “Property”
If one chooses to pay attention to another’s cause, so be it. That person is freely giving of his/her time to better understand the protester’s grievance. That is their business. Even the government is not supposed to take our property without just compensation. A free citizen should in no way be compulsed to pay attention to another’s grievance.

I would say in the modern world it’s counterproductive.

The whole the whole point of a protest is to bring attention to what you feel is an injustice and make regular people sympathetic to your cause. Being an ass in traffic isn’t going to create sympathy.


Because their rights end where the rights of others begin.


Much like your freedom of speech does not oblige me to listen.


Given the apathy and the general dislike for their cause i think doing something like stopping traffic is a way to get to popularize their cause

It also makes people hate them.

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Almost all public protest inconvinience others. If you get a permit to block a street, those who need to get around them are still having their rights “violated”