Pro life doesnt care about kids after the moment of birth

And those crimes would be…

Actually, it’s less than half a million.

I’m not saying this is OK, mind you. Just setting the record straight on “millions”.

Fetus is an offspring. A child.

The fact that not all developmental stages are listed doesn’t exclude infants, toddlers, etc.


Are you serious? Those articles referenced several studies. Are you saying that doctors are not literate enough to decide whether something is a human being?

Leaving when you instigated a debate.

Like “gay” … for example.

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Actually the literal translation of “fetus” from Latin is “little one,” or “offspring.”

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People who slaughtered unborn babies commit homicide. We’ll be better off when women are no longer needed to incubate babies, because only then will there be equality when it comes to these issues.


That’s a crime?

What are you talking about?

I asked for a scientific answer to the question of when life begins, based on the scientific method as I learned it in graduate school. No one has come up with any answer to my question… and now I’m a criminal…

What is the basis for testing the falsifiability that life begins at conception? When there is an answer we can talk about science. Otherwise we can trade opinions like the notion that I have crimes to answer for.

Just to be fully transparent, I was arrested once as part of a protest sit-in, charged with Criminal Trespass in a Federal Building. The next day the charges were dropped and arrest record was expunged. I feel not guilt about this incident. I was wondering if you were bringing that matter up, though I have no idea how you would have found out about it.

Okay then.

I don’t believe either side really cares about them after they are born.

even if this were true (and it’s not), that doesnt justify killing them in the womb so gals can fit into their prom dress


Half right. The 1st one is right.

Better hope God agrees.

Here it comes. Some SJW with a 9th grade education will conclude that the infant mortality rate could be reduced to zero if they abort 100% of pregnancies.

Are you suggesting that God is a Republican, judging each person solely on their stance on abortion? The God I was raised to worship was not a single issue voter.

Damn, you’re reaching.

No, I am suggesting there are many notions of God and that any one that treats God as within human comprehension is disrespectful. I disagree with the strain of Christian American thinking that says God chose Trump. I certainly did not make that up.

I do too.

Dude, you’re all over the place in this thread, for the record.

You need focus on one thing at a time.

Life begins at conception. The biological definition of a living organism is succinct and unequivocal. And the organism that is created at conception fits every aspect of the definition.

Debating on who God is … that’s just a convenient smokescreen for you to avoid the scientific facts of life.


I have asked for a scientific basis for the issue that life begins at conception… and no one responded. So I’ll wait until that comes… .but remember along the way I was accused of the crime of standing down.

So not matter what I do someone is disatisfied. What I will do is wait for an answer to my question on how one can falsify your claiming scientific proposition, because if you cannot falsify it, it is not science.

Am I okay now?