Pro choice and narrow minded

BTW, when two women decide to have children do you still say men created the pregnancy?

Well, yes.

But lesbian couples choosing to have children doesn’t quite fit with the jist of your argument here, does it?

When President Trump was asked about the abortion bill he said, “Pay it, by all means”.

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This is not an abortion thread this is a pro choice thread. The abortion stance is based on a woman’s right to choose. pro choice people do not argue for abortion they argue for choice because of the medical impact on a woman and her health.
Abortion is a political word associated with choice. women have many choices other than abortion.

as a man I wonder if you believe that I should be able to force an abortion on a woman that gets pregnant for money.

The statement I responded to seemed to say men could get abortions if THEY get pregnant.

it was purple n gold that brought it up.

Understood, that’s why you wait.

TRump, misogynist, woman hater

Sorry… you dont get to decide which choices a woman has…

This thread isn’t a “pro-choice” thread - it’s a “judge women for their choices” thread.

Essentially, it’s a con-choice thread.

But you want to decide what choices a man has?

And you decided to abandon the topic of your thread to nit-pick his argument?

Vasectomy at birth?

Very weak.

yep, men do not get pregnant.

Because a mans choice ends right after sex…

Yes, don’t those women need sperm? Where did the sperm come from?

Says who?
He still has to pay for the next 18.5 years.

This thread is about choices and perhaps examining choices available.

it does not take a pro choice or pro life position.

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Not at all…

A man had the choice with his body right right up to the point he decides where he ejaculates…