Price Controls (Just like Venezuela tried)

Congratulations on noting the immediate and successful deflection from price controls to whether they were like Venezuelan price controls or Nixon price controls.
Either way, they are a disaster. All this will do is undercut investment in oil production. Whose going to invest in oil extraction, transportation or refining when they can’t even recover the cost of their investment? Result…shortages and even higher costs down the road.
But it fits wonderfully into the idea that if we destroy fossil fuel production then magically wonderful new cheap alternative reusable sources of energy will appear.

What makes white progs feel we will get Norway instead of Venezuela?

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because they don’t read

only russia (in europe) produces more oil and gas than norway. good ole green norway


Libs just never ■■■■■■■ learn…never.

They think they’re smarter then previous people that have tried it…they’re not.


Why do you guys always default to Venezuela?

It is amazing that this has become such a boogey-word for some people.

You could have talked about what happened when Nixon tried that for a better historical parallel.

But nope…fear-mongering is the default way to go.

I saw Venezuela. In color.

Why do you default to Norway?


Then you should know they aren’t the correct parallel.

Of course they are. Much more than Norway.

No we aren’t Venezuela no matter how hard the fear mongerers try to make it so.

How would you know?


Ah, the good ol’ burden of proof fallacy. When you make an assertion the burden of proof is on you to show you’re right, not the other guy to prove you wrong.

Because I know.

No, you don’t. You’ve never seen it.

When you© say you’re going to get Norway, you© do so from a white, middle class or better, mostly male perspective. Pretty much the only people who say that crap are white.

And if you white folks were homogenous like Norway (or Maine, NH, Connecticut), you might have a shot.

But you’re not. You© are not the deciders. You don’t have hegemony.


This of course is nonsense.

We are not Venezuela precisely because our socioeconomic history is completely different from Venezuela’s.

Pelosi’s ideas are rooted in our socioeconomic history, not Venezuela’s.

The impacts here would not turn us into Venezuela because our current socioeconomic situation is nothing like Venezuela’s and never has been.

Price controls are a bad idea, but right wingers can’t resist ratcheting the rhetoric up to 11 instead of rationally explaining why they are a bad idea.

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Can’t believe we are having an argument over whether we should become Venezuela or Norway. I kind of was happy living in the United States of America the way it was before Biden and the Democrats destroyed it.

That may be the funniest thing I have ever read here.

As for the “socio-economic” denial - baby formula and tampons. $6 gas.

You’re not going to get Venezuela; you’re becoming Venezuela.

Reminder: your government. That you voted for. Recently shackled a 72 year-old lawyer in one of the busiest airports in the country - to intimidate a political opponent.

And then of course there’s the whole Summer of Love and Jan 6th insurrection.

“Socio-economic” indeed. You better learn you some Spanish.


Not should become, will become, if the idiot left gets its way.


By the way @JayJay , you sound just like a middle class Venezuelan before socialism broke their country.

Only in English.


How is your 201k doing?