Presidential Approval Rating

Robert DeNiro disagrees and whole heartedly approves of Brandon. Oh…don’t listen to me. Here, hear him with your own words.

No message, no solutions judt defense. Though 25 is low and people saying it’s too high are being silly, it could snd should be lower

“He got us into calm waters”. Well, that one didn’t last long.


Yeah … right before going over the falls.


Rasmussen poll shows 39% approval, 59% disapproval.

What with the stirring interview on Kimmel and the pontification about insurrection day, Biden’s approval rating was bound to be affected.
People care about our mocracy, not food and gas. Besides, it’s Putin’s fault.


28% too high


I didn’t know that idiot Colbert was even still on. Does he even have an audience.


Awww show us on the doll where the satirist hurt you.

Biden does excel in one arena.

He is now a master of Oikophobia.

Who knows … His approval rating might have fallen to 35% had he not gone on Kimmel’s show. :wink:

Colbert used to be a satirist. Now he’s a bitter, humorless hater.


He was called that and worse during his fake oreily days. Soooo now is when?

I stand by my statement. He did a great job of satirizing OlRiely. It was funny. All he does now is spew venom. It’s not funny.

Rasmussen June 13
Approve 38%
Disapprove 60%

I did not know that was possible for a Democrat. Kimmel must be so proud of his influence.

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What’s interesting is Rasmussen is known as a right-leaning pollster but Biden has actually outperforming some mainstream pollsters in Rasmussen of late. However, Rasmussen has been showing the biggest +R gap in generic congressional polls.


Thank you for flying Brandon Airlines.