President Trump vows to declassify the FISA request

Storm is coming.

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There’s got to be some wailing and knashing of teeth among the true believer right-wing punditry…since they “just know!” there’s something nefarious in those FISA warrants.

“What’s he waiting for!?”

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What’s taking dumb ■■■■ Fat Donald so long?

Still nothing?

Nothing, zilch, nada. :worried:

I can’t imagine what the hold up is…

Me neither. :man_shrugging:
I’m sure a trump supporter will chime in and give is the 411.

I do wish they would. Anyone?

because releasing it would kill another right wing talking point?

why do you do that to yourself?

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She likes pain

It will probably come out today or tomorrow. Take that to the bank.

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Is this like the time he said he was going to close the southern border?

I like chuckling at the existential rage.

Well it seems to be infrastructure week again, so I’m sure that will delay it. But soon, soon.

I’ll pray on it.

Where are all the usual suspects? I am interested to see how they spin this.

Good luck with that.

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Nothing to see here.