President Trump On Trial for Fraud (Civil)

So Former President Trump (45th Presidents) or in the shortened form FPOTUS#45 has his fraud trail start today. The court has booked 3-months for the trial so it is unlikely that he will be in attendance most days. Since this is a civil can and not a criminal case that is allowed.

The initial complaint contained (IIRC) 8 claims and the Judge issued summary judgement last week (based on both the plaintiffs and respondents request) ruling that FPOTUS#45 was liable for fraud and will be subject to disgorgement on one of the claims. (Disgorgement being different that damages in that engorgement in such a case represents additional fraudulent financial gains from a persons actions.)

The trial will determine if FPOTUS#45 (and the other respondents) are liable for the other claims.


How much will he be ordered to pay?

I say $300 million.

When Crooked Donald says his financial statements are “phenomenal”, everyone knows what that really means :clown_face:

The plaintiff asked for $250 Million in disgorement, don’t know if there can be punative damages added.

And the suspension and business certificates so Trump Org will be going into receivership. There was already a court ordered monitor from NOV 2022 already in place so the Org cannot “sell” off assets to evade liabilities. Any major property transfer has to be approved by the court.


It’s like a sailor starting a sea story with “no ■■■■■ this really happened”.



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You gotta do whatcha gotta do to meddle the vote.

Wear ear protection…this echo chamber may get toxic.



I know I was being hopeful :joy:

MAGA would hate for the consequences of ones actions. But only for one person.


Love the fact that the only reason they aren’t having a jury trial is, Trump’s lawyers didn’t request one.

I liked when he said this morning that you can’t believe a word in his disclosures about property valuation. Boy, you got 'em there, Donald.

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It’s the Tucker Carlson defense: “No reasonable person would believe the things I say.”



You gotta give the lower ass slappers a chance to get that initial hyperactivity out of the way, or else their perverted fantasies about Trump start getting jumbled into their coherence. :wink:


Isn’t inaccurate financials exactly what this trial is about!?!?

He won’t pay anything out of his pocket. His supporters are going to pay.

Donald should ask his supporters to chip in 500$ each .

Since the Trump Org is one of the plaintiffs, if FPOTUS#45 is held personally responsibile - that could come out his pocket (or via grifting). The Trump Org component will likely have to come from Trump Org.

And remember the Trump Org business certificate is being revoked and the Org will operate under receivership.


Just in from "Truth"Social:
The highly political, Trump Hating Judge just stated that expert testimony is not evidence. Well, that means that every trial in American history has to be thrown out and started all over again!

The utter contempt he has for his supporters’ “intelligence” is truly breath-taking.

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“Michael Cohen, who is set to testify on behalf of the state during the trial, appeared on the Jen Psaki show over the weekend. He reminded everyone that New York Attorney General Letitia James sought a minimum of $250 million in financial penalties against Trump. Given that the judge found James’ case so persuasive that he’s already issued a scathing ruling against Trump, it’s difficult to imagine that the judge will then turn around and hand out the minimum punishment. Cohen thinks the number will instead be closer to $600 million.”

His New York assets are under receivership and overseen by a judge. His forfeitures will come from selling them off.

Was anyone else laughing at his idiocy at the courthouse today? I don’t think he’s feeling too well, looked like his makeup was sprayed on with a manure spreader.

Greatest Businessman Ever!