President Trump Cancels Stimulus Negotiations 10/06/2020

Okay that’s funny no matter who you are. Is Sally Struthers available?

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Hey Russia where did you get all those secrets from?

We went to Jareds


Alyssa Milano voicing a Lincoln Project adoption appeal for someone to contribute to support an American due to Trump’s handling of the pandemic.

The script write itself.

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3 days earlier…

This guy :joy:


Nancy is worth millions, and won’t lose her job.

But, yeah, this is all about her…

I don’t think he will want to tough out the Russian winters. :smile:

Dubai is a lot more modern cosmopolitan city and Trump can hang with a fellow exile, former King Juan Carlos of Spain. :smile:

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I’m not sure how anything will pass if we have the same in the House.

I’d much rather no stimulus than one packed full of special interests.

Without a stimulus, maybe people will just defy the governors and go back to work.

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Amen. And to add: perhaps the folks will just tell their governors to go pound sand.

Possibly, he through out some crazy stuff in 2016 as well. He shouldn’t have said it but these talks are going nowhere everyone knows congress is waiting till after the election to try to get what they want with the stimulus.

Just how do you think that would work, exactly?

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Would you rather see one negotiegoted with a Democratic House, Senate and President or one where the GOP controls 2 of the 3? This.makes no sense

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Poor, poor Susan Collins. She knows this is the death-knell for her and likely several of the other vulnerable GOP Senators.

Was she very disappointed in the President again?

Nancy extended both her middle fingers to middle America!

President Trump and the Republicans offered a stimulus package to help those affected by covidiot lockdown Democrat Governors and Nancy is exploiting their draconian mandates to bail out those covidiot Dems.


Yeah that’s how it’ll play out in America.


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Pro Covid and anti stimulus is a bold move for Trump to take in the home stretch. It’s great that he’s running with his 2 most unpopular positions.


Um, as I said?

How are they going to go back to jobs where the businesses don’t have the resources to operate? Essentially anyone who can go back to work already has (with the exception of the entertainment/dining industries)

100% for the American people who are hurting.

Should be a no brainier yet, politics and special interests need to be stuffed into it for some reason.