President Trump Cancels Stimulus Negotiations 10/06/2020

Funny thing is, the Senate and the House can ignore the President, continue the negotiations, and pass a bill.

Then it will the Presidents choice to sign or veto the bill.

On sheer principle, Trump is right.


3 Sells out our military secrets in exchange for debt forgiveness, Trump Tower Moscow & state sponsored insurance from ever being arrested.

Short of murder (maybe) does anyone really believe a former POTUS would be prosecuted for anything they’d done while in office? That sets a dangerous precedent the power brokers want no part of.

Espionage? But no I don’t think Trump is going to go to jail

Just like his tax package, this is Trump’s best effort to help red voters while hurting blue voters.

I don’t put a lot of faith in the notion of the swamp taking down one of their own unless they’re in jeopardy themselves for not doing so. And the evidence better be ironclad.

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So Trump isn’t giving into libs demands?

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Oh definitely. And I’m not saying Trump is guilty of it just that he hasn’t instilled confidence that it isnt a possibility. What he knows is certainly worth more than 400 million to certain countries

Nope. Trump says, you dug your financial hole long before COVID. Those that received the good of the money spent, can bear the financial burden of it too.

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I am talking about his stuff before office.

I’ve considered this as well. But in reality, Trump would have to be intelligent enough to have paid attention to briefings by our military leaders, and then had the ability to retain the knowledge he learned, in order to pass the secrets on. Also, he would have to be believable and trustworthy with the information he possesses, before it would be able to be sold. Does any of this sound reasonable with Donald Trump?




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His kids and advisors don’t have top clearances?

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8 months into the Trumpandemic, everybody got $1200. For only $6 a day, you too can adopt an American.



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Ivanka does…and uses a private email server.

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Private email server in Trump Tower no less.

They’re out of the public eye, probably already negotiating that exile.

We all know nothing a POTUS did before they were in office counts.

Trumpism 101

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