President Trump addressing Right to Life March (full)

I can’t vouch for the veracity of the story contained in the link below. What I can say it contains speculation about him being involved with a woman and abortion.

Baby killers have deep guilt. Then they start down the horrendous path of anti-depressants and anti-anxiety drugs and hard street drugs and damaging therapy.

They never put two and two together. They also never realize the effect in their next lives.


All supposition on your part. His actions have made him the most pro life president in history and there’s no evidence to suggest he ever encouraged or even approved of any of the women in his life having an abortion.

A whole lot of us have had changing views on abortion over time.

Are you denying the validity of the evidence? If I speak at a BLM rally, is that not evidence of my support for The Cause?

No it’s evidence of you speaking at the rally.

Then why the hell did you post it?

I have provided a link that casts doubt about the veracity of your claim.

A completely unsubstantiated allegation that disappeared as quickly as it was made.

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One can only do repentance to erase the sin/karma.

Repentance involves the promise “never again.”

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Based on his history of lying. Not based out of thin air.

What piece of legislation has he signed that shows that?

Trump has earned the benefit of the doubt how exactly?

No it doesn’t. An unsubstantiated or uncorroborated accusation is meaningless.

With his actions and lack of evidence to the contrary.

A President speaking anywhere does not automatically mean they are 100% for the cause they are speaking about. It could mean they are, but given how much he lies… and the fact that he is a rich NY lib… I don’t believe it for a second.


When Jesse Jackson spoke at King rallies, he wasn’t for The Cause. Got it.

Is there a doubt he spoke at the rally?

From the article quoting Sarah Huckabee Sanders: "The president’s spokeswoman, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, said, “I think, compared to the hypocrisy of many Democratic politicians, the president was up front about this. Americans respect that about him. And he’s not that person anymore, most importantly. The sanctity of life is his biggest concern. I think Americans know that. He wishes the woman well, even though he’s not in touch with her and hasn’t, to my knowledge, been so for years.”.

Also, in the article is a direct quote from D Trump admitting that he paid the woman.

No it doesn’t. The only doubt that article casts is on the professionalism of the “author”.

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Ok so he did.

Like many if not most of us his position has changed over the years.