President says we're in the middle of coup(and you'll lose your religion)

You think Obama would have gone wrong and tried to destroy the party he’d spent the majority of his adult life being a part of?

If someone would like to point out an example of something even remotely similar to this a president has done in the last, oh, hundred years I’d love to hear it.


Who wants him to go quietly ?

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And suspend habaes corpus.

Throw all his enemies in jail.


Time to reopen the Walmart FEMA internment camps.

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so we are just accusing Congressman guilty of treason now, that is a thing.

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Arrest for treason?

don’t even give him a trial, traitors don’t deserve rights.

Real question if this was a coup why hasn’t Trump sent in the military to stop this injustice.

Yes. This is what limp weaklings do. Bleat stupid questions and wait for someone else to do something.

He’s been a limp weakling his whole life. You expected him to change now that he’s an old man? :rofl:


You don’t often see “suspicious” and “circumspect” linked together.

There was a Monty Python routine in which a couple of Wise Guys visited the Commanding Officer of a British Army base and leaned on him. “Nice tanks you got here, it would be a shame if some of them got broken.”

I think that’s a fairly good precedent for the Trump Presidency.


Oh my, this is amazing. Well done :clap:

What is untrue in his tweet? Are you upset that he’s educating people about the Democrat agenda?

His using the word Coup wrong.

Attempting to remove and replace a duly elected President who has been following the law as written, is a coup.

no a coup is the unlawful removal of a duly elected government and replacing them with yourself.

nothing the House is doing is unlawful.


If Trump is impeached who becomes President?

That’s not what a coup is. You and Donnie should learn what it really means.


If you are right, they have nothing to worry about. But they surely look worried about what is going to come out of the pending reports. They are very very busy preempting their release with fantasy smears.