President Poll - Last 40 Years

If Obama was a Republican, and in a lot of respects he was far more Conservative than a lot of Democrats, he would be on the top of every GOP list. He passed a health care plan devised by the Heritage Foundation and yet the GOP called it “socialism”. He resisted Gay Marriage, it was Biden who pushed him to the Left on that. He resisted raising any tax and protected corporations with fervor. And he never got us into a protracted war, just a few short skirmishes that ended quickly.

Pretty Conservative stuff.

You are ignoring his current behavior.

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Those 7 in my order:

  1. Reagan
  2. Trump
  3. Bush Sr.
  4. Bush Jr.
  5. Clinton
  6. Obama
  7. Biden

Clinton I hated him and he was a moral degenerate in office, yes Trump was moral degenerate (about the time Clinton was president) but not in office as far as we know. I would have put him higher than the Bushes on his second term except for appointing Ruth Bader Ginzburg & Breyer in the first term, and his proabort policies., yes because Republicans took over the house but at least he worked with Republicans. In his second term He supported Capital gains tax cut, & cut welfare dependence, and the economy grew and did well with the budget… But since proabort, cant rank him higher.than Republicans. I liked Bush Sr. getting Thomas in. Now, I was raised Democrat & didn’t vote for Reaga, but he led the economy from the pit Carter had put us in, and helped to defeat the Soviet Union & his peace through strength led to its downfall. His alliace with Thatcher was great & him dealing with Gorbachev was masterful. I was born and bred on the idea that the Democrats were for the working people and Repulbican were just for rich people. Only long after did I see that class warfare was detrimental to society overall. I voted the first time for Ted Kennedy to beat Carter in 80 & for Mondale in 84, so I changed my outlook by 1988. Didn’t realize how good Reagan was til I had hindsight.

Trump #1 on policies, ardently prolife, he changed my outlook on trade policies, I had become a free trader. Strongly prolife. The first one to not get us in a new war. He changed my mind on the Iraq war. Bringing energy independence. It is his stupid ego, abrasive personality that led to his not getting elected again. That is why I put him at number 2.

Biden 1 year I can see where it is heading, more COVID deaths under him, weakness with China, open borders with illegals coming in & encouraging people to come in as they just see future Democrat voters. People dying because of fentanyl with China trafficking through the Mexican border, people from 150 nations coming through our border 2 million illegals coming from the South in just one year. heck even Obama & Clinton wanted a somewhat secure border & supported a wall. China ready to attack Taiwan, Russia ready to attack Ukraine, they didn’t dare do it when Trump was in office. Kissing up to Iran who treat us with disdain, relieving sanctions on Iran trying get us back to the failed Iranian deal. Begging OPEC to produce more oil which would be dirtier than ours, inflation at 40 year high, yea, Biden at the bottom of the list by far.

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If current behavior is how we measure presidents, then Carter should be near the top of the list.

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Carter didn’t put us in an economic pit on his own. Nixon and Ford had more than a little bit to do with it. Remember this?

Carter was always that way. Obama is showing true colors now that he is unrestrained.

How was he as president?

That’s is the question.

Not post presidency. (If that were the criterion Carter and Hoover would be some of the best presidents lol)
