President Poll - Last 40 Years

  1. reagan
  2. trump (would be 1 without thumbs)
  3. bush the elder
  4. first 6 years of bush the younger
  5. clinton (with newt)
  6. obama (with mcconnell)
  7. clinton (without newt)
  8. last 2 years of bush the younger
  9. carter
  10. obama (without mcconnell)
  11. biden

undoubtedly, after the gop takes the congress in 2022, biden will rise a bit. the opposing power does effect how a president governs. reagan did what he did with tip oneal opposing… a remarkable achievement. the difference between him doing that with tip, and clinton with newt, is who was driving the train. reagan’s accomplishments were his, clinton’s in large part, were newt’s.

e.t.a. 6 should more aptly be Newt with Clinton since newt was undoubtedly driving the train. and, while the defining difference in bush the youngers last 2 years was pelosi, he was still driving the train, so i did not include “with pelosi”.


Everyone needs a chuckle when they wake up in the morning. Thanks. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

I think Clinton was far better president…Obama ignored millions of Americans that were hurting during housing crises.

Clinton wouldn’t…Bill Clinton, not Hillary.

Millions and millions of people were totally ignored under Obama. That’s why forgotten people were such a big hit in 2016.

It’s amazing the revisionist history on display.

He left with 58% approval rating.

Now compare the to the last POTUS.

Night and day.


On both sides.

So what…how does that conflict with what I said?

If obama was as bad as you say. Hillary wouldn’t have polled more votes than trump

And Biden was Obama’s veep. If Obama was as bad as you say he was.

Biden would have been. Crushed by trump

Instead he racked up 306 EVs and the presidency.

Not bad for Obama’s veep.


How does that conflict with what I said…that millions and millions of Americans were ■■■■■■ by Obama administration?

And they were previously dems.

Nope they were republicans who felt slighted by a black POTUS.

We all saw it her daily in the forum


Once again…if you were harmed by Obama policies it is because YOU hate Black people and thus racist.

And you wonder why I have no respect for libs that act and talk that way.

Oh and one other thing…play your race card with someone that gives a ■■■■

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Did you see the word felt.

All imagined slights.

Obama helped people.

It’s all partisan crapola.


Play your race card Allan…it’s all you got.

Not race, party.

Republicans didn’t like Obama.

Lots of ODS going on.


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Just come out and say it Allan.

White republicans.

The party of white hated Obama.


Stop boring me.

I will go back to when I remember the President, which was Nixon.

  1. Obama
  2. Reagan
  3. Clinton
  4. Bush Sr.
  5. Carter
  6. Ford
  7. Nixon
  8. Bush Jr. (I like him as a person the most, though)
  9. Trump

With Biden in only a year, he doesn’t make the list. I see him falling somewhere in the 6-7 range.


They never had it better than under Obama before that and yet….