President Biden could withdraw as soon as this weekend


Multiple top Democrats believe Joe Biden could bow out of the presidential race as early as this weekend, Axios reported Wednesday, citing “several” anonymous lawmakers.

Democrats told the website that Biden, 81, risks wiping out his legacy if he stays the course and is defeated by Donald Trump in a landslide—a once-distant fear that recent polls suggest may soon be reality.

I wouldn’t be surprised if he did.

He’s basically Sieyes facing down Napoleon after Brumaire right now.

Or really more like Barras facing down Sieyes, Napoleon, and Lucien at Brumaire.

do it


I’m begging you guys to keep this guy in.

He’s the only one who can beat trump.

He did it before and can do it again.

And I personally want biden to be the guy in charge when you guys watch everything unravel.


biden/harris '24 :us:


Yes I’m serious

Also, don’t override the will of your voters.

I implore you.

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I don’t think it’s realistic to think Harris has a better chance of beating Trump than Biden.

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Whomever replaces him…

The mainstream media will make that person out to be the next coming of some combination of Jesus, Moses, God, Tom Brady, and Superman/woman…

Apparently Obama is saying it’s time for Joe to go according to Fox and the Outnumbered show…so is Pelosi.

Question…if he’s not fit to run is he fit to govern?


if he can’t run, he can’t serve

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The defenders of democracy you know.

These people have known Biden is losing it for months and they ran him and told millions of people to vote for him anyway. Now that it appears he can’t win after collecting all those votes they want to disenfranchise all those voters?

Does that not count as a pretty significant assault on democracy?


Good, time to start talking about his resignation.

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And that’s the Democrat’s dilemma. How do you dump Biden and then do the same with Kamala, who is already on the ticket.
Restating the obvious, it’s all of the Democrat elite’s doing by trying to misrepresent damaged goods to the voters for over a year.


Democracy is a suggestion, not a rule.

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Off topic, but who is in your profile picture ? A young man wearing a Micah Parsons jersey, looks like ?

Politically the best thing they can do is take the loss and start working on 2028.

They need to write off 2024. After the assassination attempt there’s no way they can win. They’re facing Donald Bonaparte. Not Donald Trump anymore.


Who are the so called “top dems”.

Are they admiting that lawfare is not a feasible tactic.

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admin with an asterisk

Indeed yes. My 13 yr olds on a ship in Galveston.

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Very cool.

so…. then who will it be?