President Biden could withdraw as soon as this weekend

They should have spent the last 3.5 years propping her up, instead they put her at the front of Biden’s border policies and she laughed off going to the border.

Trash party.


If Biden is going to step down he should do so immediately…making Harris the first woman…as first black woman president.

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Don’t they have a couple hundred million reasons/dollars sitting in a bank account somewhere that only Kommie can get her hands on if he quits.


might be soon

i’m sure she salivating over all of it

Joe Biden has been Obama’s handpicked flunky from the beginning, especially picked to carry out Obama’s policies designed to destroy the United States from within.

Biden will do exactly what Obama tells him to do, and will shortly withdraw from the race because of his alleged positive covid test.


When violent hate America demonstrations occur in the U.S. (as they now are) and terrorist attacks begin on American soil, let us not forget it was the Democrat Party Leadership who encouraged and invited millions upon millions of poverty-stricken, poorly educated, low-skilled, diseased, disabled, criminal, and un-vetted terrorist foreign nationals, into our country’s inner cities.

I thought biden was the first black woman president.

He’s so confusing.



*bama says biden is “greatly diminished”.

Someone had to say it.

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Biden was the first black woman truck driving jewish puerto rican who got arrested protesting with Mandela president…


Now where have i seen this point represented in painting form in the past few years :thinking::upside_down_face:


A little revenge for

you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,

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Haaa !!!

Payback some 20 years in the making :wink:


if he’s greatly diminished does that mean his ability to ■■■■ things up is diminished too?

After Biden drops out and Kamala drops out, we will have President Mike Johnson.

Hmmm…what does article 1 say?

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This whole fiasco should tell everyone just how much Biden’s cabinet respects the presidency that they would leave a dementia patient empowered with it.


Bu…buh… it will be HISTORIC!

Rats are always last to jump ship

And picking that moron to be his VP. Thank Clyburne.

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Well that details the power and privileges of the legislative branch, describing and establishing the election procedures of the House and the Senate as per 1789 which has been modified since then.