No, it is not.

Not much.
51% of NY prisons are Black people…. 28% for white people.
Seems like they get prosecuted and convicted quite a bit.
That was before Bragg was in charge of seeking indictments.
Wrong… the data was from 2022.
Nearly everyone in prison in 2022 was convicted before Bragg was DA.

Stupid statement…
not stupid. they charged him. tried him. and he was found not criminally liable.
the system worked.

A unanimous “not guilty” verdict

I said he killed someone. Which he did.
Why do you attribute the primary cause of death to choking and not to the drugs in his system, Sickle Cell and his schizophrenia?
To me, and evidently 12 others in New York, The Primary cause of Neely’s death were his own actions and his own self destructive behavior.

A unanimous “not guilty” verdict

I said he killed someone. Which he did.
Why do you attribute the primary cause of death to choking and not to the drugs in his system, Sickle Cell and his schizophrenia?
To me, and evidently 12 others in New York, The Primary cause of Neely’s death were his own actions and his own self destructive behavior.
There was clearly reasonable doubt that Penny’s action lead to Nealy’s death.

…in his bubble.


Making threats of bodily harm is apparently just being loud to some in BLM…
They spent too much on mansions and wild partys.
Need to refill their coffers with more money from morons.
So…did the "V"irtuous BLM burn or destroy anything last night?
This wasn’t a Soviet trial. There were no guys with Makarovs in the corner and no one threatening your family’s food security if you didn’t vote right.

So…did the "V"irtuous BLM burn or destroy anything last night?

Personally I just figured their lip flapping was all about trying to con idiots into sending them more money.

not stupid. they charged him. tried him. and he was found not criminally liable.
the system worked.
No it didn’t.
Getting drug into court for a crime you didn’t commit by a schmuck like fat Alvin after he got pushed into it by a bunch of other schmucks crying “racism” is not the system working.
Another stupid statement.
Daniel Penny is a hero. This is a case that should never have been brought.

nowhere near as much as the ones predicting riots “everytime the left doesn’t get their way”

nowhere near as much as the ones predicting riots “everytime the left doesn’t get their way”
So yes you are disappointed.
Who did that?
Post it.
That is unless this is yet another fantasy post.

The eagerness is there. Don’t fret one day maybe the summer of love will come back so your side can bash the left with it like a cudgel. Has been four and a half years you can wait it out.
Are you kidding me? The left does billions of dollars in damage around the country and what happens? Kamala raises money to bail them out. Yes…one Governor describes it as, “the summer of love”. The left abhorrently lies and tells the world 5 DC officers were murdered on J6, one by Trump supporters using a fire extinguisher!!!1 It was all a lie but hundreds without a trial, spend months in jail. I sincerely hope all of this judicial weaponization is exposed and those involved, indicted and prosecuted.

nowhere near as much as the ones predicting riots “everytime the left doesn’t get their way”
So yes you are disappointed.
Who did that?
Post it.
That is unless this is yet another fantasy post.
Nice try. Stellar even
“Look at these pictures of riots. I didn’t say riot”

The eagerness is there. Don’t fret one day maybe the summer of love will come back so your side can bash the left with it like a cudgel. Has been four and a half years you can wait it out.
Are you kidding me? The left does billions of dollars in damage around the country and what happens? Kamala raises money to bail you out. The left abhorrently lies and tells the world 5 DC officers were murdered on J6, one by Trump supporters using a fire extinguisher!!!1 It was all a lie but hundreds without a trial, spend months in jail. I sincerely hope all of this judicial weaponization is exposed and those involved, indicted and prosecuted.
That’s a fun rant.
What does this have to do with this garbage?
So…did the "V"irtuous BLM burn or destroy anything last night?
They didn’t. They haven’t in four and a half years and counting.