Post enumeration surveys reveal a devastating level of failure in the 2020 Census

:rofl: Wonder why?

I sincerely do wonder. Do you have information or just casual finger pointing?

About why red states are in the south and blue states are in the northeast?

No about what the underlying causes of the error are and why they are tied to region.

For example, if the census simply favored blue states based on voting preference alone there are states in the Midwest, West and Northwest that would also overcount.

Whatever the mechanism of the error it is more complex than Red/Blue. The report hints at disparities correlated to cultural (ethnic) disparities as well as housing patterns.

The Northeast and South differ in more than just net political affiliations.

There were errors in every state … I’m not sure what the criteria is to pull out these specific states into thier own category… and the errors are not following a simple red/blue pattern.

So a bad census result compared to other years, but chalking up to deep state blue cheating at this point seems like casual finger pointing.

There is always the possibility, albeit slight, of authorizing a barebones, “headcount” census only. People would be counted, but no other questions would be asked of any kind. Social Security numbers or green cards would be used for those of legal status, illegals would be counted as best they can, statistical sampling would be authorized by law for error correction.

States would NOT be required to redistrict their legislatures, but could if they wished.

For Congress, however, a State LOSING seats would be required to redistrict. States neither gaining or losing seats would not be required to redistrict. States gaining seats would not be required to redistrict, but would carry their new seats at large until the after 2030 Census. However, they could voluntarily choose to redistrict.

It would be expensive to be sure, but Democracy should be worth that price, though I am pretty sure Congress won’t be willing to pay it.

This is interesting background on the methodology and the significance of the undercount/overcount

“Democracy” as distinguished from our democratic “Republican form of government”, guaranteed by Article 4, Section 4 of our Constitution, is worth paying that price?


Why is the Democrat Party Leadership filling scarce public housing with illegal aliens when America’s needy Citizens, including U.S. Military Veterans, are going homeless?

Wilbur Ross was totally Deep State.

:rofl: :rofl:

Dammit. I thought I was done having to think about Ross.

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Not necessarily. And what states in the midwest?

I didn’t say “cheating”. I said coincidence. Is there an example of red states being the majority over counted? Ever?

The 2020 Census was the first to use administrative records to count people who had not responded.


and thanks to brandon it is a-ok to blackmail them into cancelling one for the same reason.

Uh, huh…and Sessions was in charge of the DoJ so all of the actions carried out by Comey and Rosenstein are Trump’s fault? Got it. Carry on.

Shokin was not investigating Hunter Biden.

The DOJ acts independently from the President… the Department of Commerce does not.

Every department is run by those that are there regardless of who is POTUS and that’s a problem that was directly exposed just in the FBI with Comey, Strozk, McCabe, Clinesmith, Page and so many others.

camelot ag

lynch laughing

The Department of Commerce was run by Wilbur Ross.

Is he Deep State?