Post election speculation - GOP

You’re right, they weren’t conservatives they were Republicans. Trumpers have taken over the Republican Party. Biden is proof that the Progressives haven’t taken over the Democratic Party, at least not yet

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Wow. Super bookmarking this thread.


I support limited migration especially on taking jobs that affect Americans, as well as curving illegal immigration. Also better trade deals. That’s pretty much it with the way I feel about Trump I would like to see the next Republican have those attributes but be more fiscally minded without a twitter account.


There were quite a few candidates that pitched the same poliicies regarding immigration and trade back in 2016.

There were a few unfortunately in a crowded field like that Trump slipped through. I would have much rather have the three ideas I listed in let’s say a Marco Rubio than Trump.

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He was losing those states “BIGLY” in the polls before the last election, too.


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I was between Cruz and Trump. I decided that Trump had the chance to move out of just taking the states that Romney had taken before…which would have been another loss. It was the right decision.

And I was told that conservatives were all in on nuclear energy?

Well that is interesting. At least I think that Cruz knows the Constitution and what the office of the POTUS is all about. Trump has shown that he lacks total understanding of both. And you say you based your decision because Trump had the advantage politically? I don’t like Cruz, but I do think that he would have been a better POTUS then Trump by a mile. At least I don’t think that Cruz would have hired a bunch of nimrods that Trump did.



The Republican party is made up of 3 types; Trump supporters, never Trumpers and establishment Rs. The Trump supporters and never Trumpers make themselves known quite plainly. The establishment Rs are in this for self serving purposes and they’ve found it a better place for self enrichment, to put a Trump supporting mask on. If Trump loses, Trump supporters are gone, never Trumpers will be happy and establishment Rs will take of their mask and return to their status quo.

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In my opinion it will be too late. I strongly believe DEMs will make dramatic changes in voting laws and in immigration laws, that will solidify their position. Those changes will ensure the GOP never again regains control of the WH, Congress or the SCOTUS. I further believe the newly packed SCOTUS will become a rubber stamp for the WH rule by fiat. The newly packed SCOTUS will also freely legislate from the bench as they see fit.

Regardless of how Republicans feel about the new state of things, they will be powerless to do anything about it. IMHO


The problem with your purging the party of Trump supporters is that you rino’s won’t win another election without them.
You all can sit on your hollier than thou hill and believe your superior as you look down on the Trump deplorables but you will have to accept that from here on out your party is going to win very little.
So you have to ask yourself am I willing to be the minority party from here on out or am I willing to listen to the Trump supporters and make the GOP tent large enough to make a difference.
I believe the Trump supporters deserve to be heard and that they deserve a seat at the table. But it looks like you only want certain worthy people in your tent.

And what would you a leftist know of conservative values?
Seems you have problems of your own that you need to look into. The left has gone over the hill to hard left loons. The old powers in the party dusted off an old pervert and stacked the deck for him. But that’s not going to work for long. The leftist in the party are gaining more and more control. Soon the old left will have no power and the far leftist will run the ship.

i laugh when teh right calls biden an old pervert. whiel supporting the molestor in chief

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Conservatives have taken over the Republican party again.
The rino’s don’t like that they are once again being told side with the left we will find someone who will speak for us. The rino’s got their men in the last few elections before Trump. Romney and McCain both big loser rino’s. The conservative party does not want to be dem light they want to be bold and fight for things they believe in.
Biden is proof that the dem on the left are scared the party is getting out of their control. So they cheated Bernie once again and installed an old liar. I really don’t think it’s going to work much longer. All you have to do is look at the riots, looting and burning to know that.

I really can’t see how the left can defend a man who has some kind of perversion about children.

Conservatives have been jettisoned from the party.
It’s Trump brand Republicanism that rules GOP.

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Except appeal to those new voters and work within the new election laws. The court probably won’t be packed unless they start making crazy rulings.