Positions politically from the "other side" that you are most sympathetic to

I disagree. It’s money you are already used to spending. I think government is capable of doing good things we just need to hold them accountable to make sure that is what they are doing.

No…I couldn’t afford their accountant’s lunches let alone their hourly rate.


And ?..What do they sell, who do they target, and where are they?

Do you pay one penny more in taxes than Turbo Tax tells you to?

I think you are just regurgitating nonsense.

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This is a tough one for me. There’s darn little I agree with the left on right now.

Here’s where I think I can go…

I love American agriculture…grew up on a family farm in southern Oregon. People in this land of plenty (did you know somewhere between 1 and 2% of the population of our great nation feeds not just America but much of the world?). Anyway people in this land should not be hungry…we’re approaching Thanksgiving and Christmas…there will be plenty of discussion of hunger as there is every year I d like to see that discussion and awareness go on year long.

I m on record hating Obama care…but I am well aware of the health care issues facing millions. My wife is going into her 6th year of ongoing health issues…I work for a company I really don’t like because I need the health insurance…but there’s nothing within Obama care I can afford that would do me any good…

I ve never asked anyone to help me with those issues but if someone can come up with a program that gets me past the constant fights with insurance denying service and makes it possible for me to work for myself and afford health insurance I d be willing to listen. That was probably president Trump’s biggest failure…

So there are two areas where I think we can agree.

They sell all kind of things.
People who want or need cheap goods.

Of course not. I do think those in the position find loopholes to pay as little as possible though.

Which you just admitted to doing yourself.

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Feel free to put together a typical junk food dinner for a family of four and we will see if I can beat it, fair warning I can do a healthy and nutritious meal for under a dollar a serving.

Standard deductions aren’t loopholes.

“Advocates of tighter controls on dollar stores say the big chains intentionally cluster multiple stores in low-income areas. That strategy discourages supermarkets from opening and it threatens existing mom-and-pop grocers, critics say.”

Are you going to get good quality groceries, fresh meat/veggies at a dollar store?

Because you used meat, meat is expensive and not required for a healthy and nutritious meal.

I’d love to Bezos use Turbo Tax and see where his tax bill ends up. :grin:

Stop dude. Their “standard deductions” are theirs, yours are yours. Stop hating and taking because somebody indoctrinated you. Stop with the hypocrisy, stop coveting.

Where would you be without “corporations”?

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Why do you hate your neighbor’s success?

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There’s beef in the burritos, and I provided the proof requested. Let’s not move the goalposts.

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Corporations stifle competition. They’re big enough they can afford to not only write the rules, but also withstand the additional costs of implementing them while the little guys (i.e. their competitors) are driven out of business. This is why we used to break up companies that got too big.

Corporations come in all sizes. You work for one.

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No you didn’t, I didn’t ask you to do both, you gave me your junk food cost, I have yet to counter it with my healthy alternative. I’ll do it later, on the road right now and about to get brunch.