Popular vote outcome prediction?

Most people hardly ever have a clue what they’re talking about, that’s true. :rofl:

Wouldn’t that be 20 years ago?

I will tell you what IS true…I wouldn’t call where I’m at in Pacific NW the west.

Out here it’s snobville…and people of the west aren’t snobs. :wink:


Out here in the Midwest, we are required to know our geography. We’re kinda surrounded by the rest of you. :wink:

2004 was the only time post-1988.

OK so I was wrong then. First Republican since BOOSH Jr. to win the popular vote.

What’s the significance of post-1988? I was but a wee lad on his bike outside until the street lamps came on. :rofl:

1988 was the last time before 2004 i.e. Bush Sr. whooping Dukakis obviously did win the popular vote.

Basically it’s not super important but I was trying to fiddle with statistics to make it seem more dramatic :smiley:

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I remember one day my older brothers asking me on the way home from church, “Hey Timmy, are you voting for Bush or Dukakis??”

“Dukakis!” (because the name sounded way cooler)

“NO! He’s a Democrat, you can’t vote for him!”

“(well why the crap did you idiots ask me then…?)”

Fun times. :rofl:


Yes, as it has been with every presidential election since 1789. I have high confidence in my prediction.

Of course, even if the electoral college were eliminated, the popular vote would still be irrelevant on a basic level. The Democrat who won the primary popular vote by a huge margin was forced to withdraw and the replacement became the nominee with effectively zero input from voters.

For most of our history, the presidential candidates were selected in smoke filled rooms, a process we should return to.

The DNC did.

Which bothers me not a bit, both parties should do it.

You’ll have to wait, they can’t beat Trump.

Both parties have been doing it for decades. The key thing it to eliminate candidates who fail to meet Uniparty criteria, not necessarily to pick the winner.

Iran has a similar system. The unelected Guardian Council selects which candidates are allowed to run. Voters get to select between several candidates that are acceptable to the Council. Arguably the Iranian system is more transparent.

Trump’s campaign in 2016 was an aberration. Media smear campaigns and the lack of support from big donors should have eliminated him long before he got the nomination.

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Voters would never have nominated Kamala. We shall see if heer appointment was a good idea.

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Its not, it goes back to 2020.

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why not go back to legislatures appointing Senators and the President being chosen by the House while we’re at it?

I used to crack up when Mark Levin would pronounce his name on occasion. DuCockAss! I’d be cracking up at work.

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Dang, how old IS he?? :rofl:

Right. But it was a good idea considering the alternative. A vegetable would almost certainly lose the election. Since it was so close to the election, they can’t have a primary. She’ll probably lose. They voted for her to be VP, not run for President. The enthusiasm just isn’t there.