Popular vote outcome prediction?

Low turnout benefits republicans… even in off years

This has been true. In 2020 around 66 percent of eligible voters voted. IF turnout is higher this time around and Trump still wins that will be a big story.

Will see…

Should California and New York decide every election?

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Build the wall…on every Texas border.

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Yeah. The make up of the base of the parties is in flux. Old rules may not work.


There’s no way they could. CA and NY make up less than 1/5 of the total population.

There are many who think “yes yes they should”. Sad but that’s where we at. If Trump wins the election the ending the electoral college debate will ensue within minutes after the election is called….

And if Trump wins the popular vote and loses the electoral college he’ll be the first to call for getting rid of the electoral college. And you know this to be true.


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He kinda did already :grin:


I don’t know what he’ll do, but I don’t want the electoral college to end I personally think the founders are smarter than the two clowns running for president.


California and NY combined have more republicans living in them than 15-20 red state republicans combined.

Republicans exist all over the place.

Also, right now we have 4-5 swing states (with less population than either NY or CA) deciding the election for everyone… how is that better?

Frankly it’s not.

I’d like to see the EC split its EC votes by percentage of popular vote won in each state. If a candidate takes 40% of Mississippi’s registered voters they should get 40% of the EC numbers. Same for every state.

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That’s probably the closest we would get to a popular vote winner takes all.

Oh I disagree.


Works well for a republic though.

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What? No it’s not.

I predict Harris will enjoy a similar margin to what Biden enjoyed in 2020. Somewhere in the 4% to 5% range.

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