POLLS, trustworthy or not?

You have not provided any evidence for your claim on what CNN reported despite being corrected. I never claimed that the poll was evidence of guilt.

No man has the right to hold the sins of another person over them, who the hell do people think they are? best to look in your own closet and keep it clean.


So many polls were wrong, that was the BIG story after he won, so I have no idea what to say

The people who Trump has wronged have EVERY right to hold his wrongs over him. BTW i dont believe in sins because i dont believe there are gods at all.

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In the 2018 mid-term election, so many polls were right.

Polls predicted a Blue Wave.

You could quote the article that backs up your claim that this has been what coverage CNN has provided.

Sure they do. It’s called laws.

You will, every knee shall bend, yours too

IF, he wronged a person, they have an ave. to follow, its called sueing, but to hold that over him is only detriment to that persons soul, I wonder where you stand with Barry O and ALL his crimes while IN Office?

So no judicial system then?

Call him President Obama and show him the respect he deserves please.

No thank you, he should be imprisoned or even hung for his murderous treason that got 1000s upon 1000s of people killed, he’s the biggest POS to walk the earth as far as im concerned

Yeah that didn’t happen. What do you get out doing that?

what didn’t happen?

What treasonous action got 1000s upon 1000s of people killed again?

undermining countries like Egypt, Libya, Syria and couple other s got 1000s n 1000s of people killed, esp Christians from those countries

What you said about CNN.

What is more likely is that you are making that up, or you’re repeating something you heard from somebody who made it up. Because it would be easy to link to it if that were true, but you won’t be able to do that.

Guess who is Fake News here? It ain’t CNN.

Obama was responsible for the Arab Spring? Even if true (it’s not) how is that treasonous as those aren’t US territories?

Do you all remember Hillary telling us that Egypt is doing better then they have in years and then the very next day it was over taken by the Muslim Brotherhood with the help of Barry O?
and the people had to fight and take their country back?