Poll: 73% of Republicans blame 'left-wing protesters' for Jan. 6 attack. Wut?

if this is what he actually said, it’s quite something the president of russia is more curious about events in the US than half our own govt


Now let’s take a trip to an alternate reality and change a few words.

  1. For months biden and co have been claiming irrefutable evidence that Bosun Coal Mine is utilizing kidnaped black children as slave labor in their mining operation. Many now also believe this to be fact and a huge issue.

  2. Biden holds a massive protest to save our black children from black lung and slavery and confront those responsible to release the kids

  3. Pres Biden tells the giant protest he is going walk with them to the entrance of the Bosun mine and they need to peacefully yet firmly demand the release of the forced child labourers

  4. Bosun Mine does not meet the demands of the protesters demanding the release of the forced labors and the massive mob Biden had sent take further action because BLM and they must save the captured black children.

  5. Bosuns mine is destroyed and people have died due the massive mob eventual turning violent. It turns out there was never any black children slaves and Biden just did not like the coal plant shut down because it’s production made solindra look bad. So he made up the story to explain why it was so successful.

Is Biden responsible for what happened? Try to answer better than last time where when you brought up owning a Prius in 2011 :rofl:

I’m very curious to see if it is even possible for some people to ever admit or acknowledge hypocrisy.

I swear this guy accidentally responded in the wrong thread and just refuses to admit it. It’s would be hilarious if it wasn’t so absurd.

It was so strangely off topic and he refused to clarify when asked. :clown_face:

I doubt Biden will be as embarrassing as Trump was in Helsinki.

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What guy is that?

Did Trumpster tremble, I doubt it. However, the left had a crisis meltdown.

Remember when Bush threw up in the lap of the Japanese Prime Minister.

Yeah he’s really curious.

gee, I wonder why people on the right blame the left…

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Trump rolled over like a scared dog in Helsinki. He was submissive and weak.

Corrupt FBI does this all the time.

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I am not sure that was captured correctly. But, it is your story to rewrite any time you want to.

I guess you didn’t see the news conference.

I suggest you don’t watch it, it will only break your heart.

He basically said that they’re going to use CoJ as democrat political operatives?

I do not believe for a second anyone is honestly defending that performance.

I’m pretty sure some people are living vicariously through trump. Only reason I can come up with for constantly defending and excusing him ridiculous ■■■■■

Hey, it’s your story. I still like when Bush threw up. That was a classic. Or when Bill got caught in a Lewinsky.

I wonder what level of curiosity Putin has about the attempt to assassinate a Russian political opponent.

He literally just said he does not care if he dies or lives while the man is on his deathbed in prison.

Alt right hero

Alt-left ir alt-right, both are the same alt.

Yup, pretty much. Trumpys are just wokies who for some reason view trump as a messaih/hero

The problem with your narrative is most Trump supporters are not alt. And we would not describe himas the Messiah. There is only one Jesus Christ and one God (the creator).

Trump is good in many ways, but, he is defiantly not perfect.