Police shooting in kenosha wisconsin

So…only the left is allowed to be extreme?

A violent sex offender with a warrant for sexual assault was shot while resisting/fighting with police.

To hell with him and his supporters.


fro what is being reported teh shooter last night was a 17 year old wanna be cop from antioch illinois (about 20 miles from kenosha)

Why do we even need a criminal justice system? Just kill them all! Yayayaya Merica!!

To convict that violent rapist in court now that he ain’t got nowhere to run. Duh.

Why waste taxpayer dollars… just kill them, right?

THe 48 cops killed were felonious killings.

The citizens killed by cops that you cite were all killings, whether felonious or otherwise.

So if you take the apples-and-oranges comparison you made where cops are 4x more likely to be killed than a black man by cops, the ratio is far higher than 4x.

This doesn’t change your point. It just makes the comparison far more stark than the number you calculated.

In these situations there is no accountability for the actions of police. THAT is the problem.

No. It’s not just news coverage.

Today in Los Angeles it’s dirty and full of madness. Leftist city deteriorating. The leftist’s open prisons, cater to illegals, give sanctuary to crime and demonize police,

“Word is…”

But the “prior” I was referencing was his previous assaults on police, on citizens, the warrant for his arrest.

You libs focus on anything you can to make this guy as innocent as you can. It’s disingenuous, at best.

Sure. The cops were trying to arrest him. Not for barbecuing, of course, though that’s a convenient smokescreen for you. There was a warrant for his arrest, and cops are charged with arresting people who have arrest warrants. And when the cops tried to arrest him, he got VIOLENT. Your pretense that he was non-violent is grossly in error.

I expect you’ll keep repeating that though.

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You’ve been shown to be in error in your arguments.

This pile of word salad is no different.

And, like many of these incidents, his supporters’ claims are specious, at best.

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No. It’s scum, leftist politicians and attorneys, catering to criminals.

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Of course there is.

Every shooting like this gets investigated. Sometimes internally, sometimes the DA, sometimes even at the federal level.

This one will be determined to be a legit shooting. The fact that you won’t like that outcome does not mean there is no accountability.

I accept your intellectual surrender over Jacob the Rapist.

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I accept your idealistic American society that kills all criminals outside of the judicial system.

“All lives matter!”

OK, enjoying defending the rapist. That’s so left. lol

Sounds like its been confirmed that police knew that Blake had a warrant out for his arrest.

You are welcome to quote me defending his past… I’ll wait, take all the time you need.

Were the police called on Blake?
Was he in the act of committing a violent crime when they arrived?
Did he a commit a violent crime prior to the police being called?
Were any weapons recovered from the scene of the crime?

Black America is told to accept sub par policing as the standard for police interactions. This is a blatant example.

There is a video of a White Kid who shot a couple protesters the other night. He ran TOWARDS the cops with his rifle and he wasn’t shot OR perceived as a threat.

Cops didn’t shoot him, beat him, detain him, THEN tell the public to wait until the investigation is complete. They let him LIVE.

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