Police Murdering Blacks, can we put this to rest now?

Maybe he makes it home, and then a cop who says she’s too tired, “accidentally” Enters the wrong apartment and murders him.

Answer the question, don’t deflect.

Would he have died that day if not for his choosing to fight instead of just put his hands behind his back?

He wasn’t murdered, neither the state nor the fed’s could find any grounds to charge anyone with murder.

You don’t deflect. Would he be alive if the cops hadn’t murdered him?

He was alive, right? And then. He was dead. Because of a bad cop and a chokehold. What if there wasn’t a bad cop who decided to strangle another man, wouldn’t that have been great?

You failed yet again to answer the question.

If not for deciding to fight the police instead of submitting to arrest would he have died that day?

This isn’t true, the hold was not the cause of death.

He had a heart attack due to his condition and decision to fight.

His airway was never choked off and if it wasn’t choked off he certainly didn’t have his blood supply cut off either.

Since he was talking and yelling the whole time we know his airway was open.

Then why didn’t you say that instead of criticizing him for not quoting your post, when in fact, he had?

No. It isn’t.


The term “unjustifiable” is semantics. A 6 ft tall cop shoots a 5 foot, old woman because she’s holdling a knife. That’s not “justifiable.”

And this stuff come from same people who tell us that Law Enforcement is corrupt cause they investigate Orange people.

It is.

Problem is you are asking a question that is from a authoritarian stand point. Not all of us want cops going around and just killing us because we don’t just stand there and submit to a illegal dentition. Maybe you libs want to live in Soviet Russia but us real Americans don’t want that because we are not socialism or something.


Not at all!

It happens all across the country every day.

Define “incredibly rare” and define at what point it no longer is “incredibly rare” at what number.


“Decided to fight”? He pulled his hands away when they attempted to detain him. You sure are taking a fair bit of liberty choose some very colorful descriptors here…

There’s no evidence? No, none at all… save for the medical examiner ruling that Garner’s death was a homicide caused by compression of neck, chest and prone positioning, along with contributing factors of asthma, heart disease and obesity. But if you exclude that piece of evidence, then sure, there’s no evidence… :roll_eyes:

Of course it is, a knife is by definition a deadly weapon so if you threaten someone with one and they have a gun, cop or not you’re probably going to be shot and “justifiably” so.

If the detention is illegal they’d certainly have no justifiable cause to use force, much less deadly force to accomplish same.

Even if you’re right and they’re wrong you’re just stupid to fight the cops because at a minimum you’re going to take a beating, get tased or shot, and if you survive a pile of felony charges.

You fight the cops in court, not on the street.

Fewer than 200 unlawful shootings annually with an overall population approaching 340 million would be incredibly rare by any reasonable definition.

We have two million cops making over 20 million contacts daily and fewer than one unlawful shooting by police per day on average.


Yet another fabrication, they did not say he died due to the neck compression, he died of a heart attack induced by the struggle which resulted from him resisting police with force and refusing to submit.

Did the choke play a part? Sure as it was a part of the total struggle. If anything that day interfered with his ability to breathe it was the bulk of his own body and the pile of cops on top of him trying to get him cuffed.

There was no crushed larnyx or airway on autopsy, only some bruising on one side of his neck.