Police cuff and pepper spray a 9 year old girl

9 year old girls are experts in Pre-Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle moves. So scary.

These cops were wrong. I wish they would admit fault once in a while. Sick of the police union and their excuses. I know not all cops are bad. This girl just happened to encounter a cop with no heart, no humanity or soul. If you treat a troubled child like this, imagine how he treat an adult. Fire them!

I would probably get shot. My anger towards the cop would be off the chart. It won’t go away either - ever. That cop face and name would forever be seared on my mind.


7 or so cops, not one.

It’s a shame they can’t speak up. I have a LEO friend that tried to speak up and they ran him out of the field.

When you see your young child gets treated like that, it does something to you. I just can’t explain it (if you don’t have children). I better stop commenting before I get too far. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

They can speak up. It’s not easy, but they can. Takes balls.

He did and they ran him out of the department to where he took a head of security job at an airport in your neck of the woods.

You have apparently never had an out of control student throw a desk in your direction. :woman_shrugging:

Hard to throw a desk while handcuffed.


We probably need a national registry listing all 4th grade girl’s hands as deadly weapons.

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I’m waiting for a reply on this one.

I’m curious to know what they think a teacher is allowed to do PHYSICALLY to get a child under control.


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Take that out of the equation and start from scratch which was the inference in the statement about keeping the kid under control.

This may be a factor as well.

It’s long been suspected that black girls are perceived as more adult-like and less innocent than white girls in school and other environments, and a new report offers further confirmation that this is the case.

Researchers with the Initiative on Gender Justice and Opportunity at Georgetown Law’s Center on Poverty and Inequality spoke directly to black girls and women across the country about how they are forced to deal with harmful perceptions — like that black girls are more mature and less in need of protection than other students — from a young age.

Not to use pepper spray?

Good Lord, you may have found a mother hive of CRT. Is she lesbian?

The only question you asked was “resisting what?” That’s obvious … being put in the car.

As far as being arrested, your guess is as good as mine. Why were they called to respond?

Don’t know, was she?

Too bad you weren’t one of the cops on scene. You seem to have all the answers.