Pocahontas campaign headquarters broken into

If my grandmother told me I was Tibetan I might believe it as a child but when older I hope I would check it out before putting it on official forms that might benefit me.


Maybe she should have done a little research before she lied. I give her no pass. My Grandfather told me of the 12 foot tall bear he killed as a child. I believed it when I was young but when I grew up I was smart enough to know that it was just a story. He might have killed a bear because he had a necklace with bear teeth. But 12 foot tall I don’t think so.

It’s not a racist slur,.

Just think real hard about it, and I’m sure you’ll figure it out.

Was there any credible reason to believe she was from Tibet. Many American citizens have Native American forebears. My grandmother told me she grew up in a log cabin. It never occurred to me to check that out. If she told me she had grown up in a palace I would have known to be dubious.

Of course it is.

Do cons thing that Trump is being nice to Warren by calling her Pocahontas?

You mean think illogical like libs?


Nope. In fact, I mean the opposite. I’m talking about critical thinking and reading comprehension.

Either way libs…you’re letting biggest crime of 21st century to get away.

But stick with your fake news, fake impeachment of some ghost you’re all chasing.

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No obviously he’s making fun of her and if she wasn’t 1/1024th Cherokee Indian I might agree with TheDoctorIsIn. As it stands she lied, saying that word Pocahontas doesn’t lesson her lying and writing Native American on the Texas Bar.

Forget about Trump the Cherokee Nation condemned her.

It’s still a racial slur.

Even if Trump is using it to make fun of her.
Even though she’s not actually much of a Native American.
Even though she probably deserves to be mocked.

It’s still a racial slur.

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So liberals still arent accountable for their actions?

Nope…but they will hold you accountable to standards they refuse hold themselves.


Fauxcohontas is neither a bona fide tribal citizen nor a descendant of a documented aboriginal through any birth, death or marriage records.

Uh oh, anyone know the whereabouts of G. Gordon Liddy?

No, really, using an ethnic slur constantly in the year 2020 during an election should just bring those minority voters flocking to the big tent.


Never called a fat guy skinny or a big guy tiny, huh?

Never called anybody a wigger. Lots of people called me that in the 90s though.

Just asking, where does the name, “redskins” come from in history?