Pocahontas campaign headquarters broken into

She did not claim to have some NA blood. She represented herself as a Native American. There is a difference.

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Actually Warren has been quoted as “being Cherokee” on numerous occasions citing family lore and “Granny So and So says we have high cheekbones”.
After Warren’s showboat DNA stunt she publicly apologized to the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma. The Cherokee Nation is the largest Federally recognized tribe in OK at around 400,000 tribal members and well connected politically and economically; Warren knows her Natives I guess. Regardless, the Cherokee condemned Warren citing “DNA testing does not indicate or qualify as tribal citizenship”.
The tribes know Warren has spent a lifetime profiting from claims of Aboriginal ancestry when someone of bona fide Native American blood could have benefited from the proper minority preference.
Warren owns the sham, don’t think she’s getting invited to the Spring Pow Wow!


being 1/1024th (tops) means knowing you are not indian. no indian grandparents or great grandparents. or great great…and so on

even if she thought she had some indian in her, it would obviously not be enough to outright claim she is Indian

it’s not a logical mistake. it’s a lie.

I’m happy that libs will have a chance to vote for the fake native american rich white chick. They almost had no choice but to vote for the Kid Sniffer. lol


Well she did have to elope and run away to get married because the village she was in discriminated against Natives Americans.

Must have been western territory when the railroad was coming through.

Warren needs to stand up for her right to claim to be Native American based on trace DNA evidence. I am looking forward to her running under the motto of “First Native American to Run for President”.

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Perhaps she can resurrect this old song for her campaign:

If elected Warren would not be the first woman in the White House with (distant) native American ancestry:

Of course, Democrats already passed a law that says she is legally white, since many of the aristocratic families of Virginia claim Pocahontas as their ancestor so 1/16 native American or less doesn’t count:

For the purpose of this act, the term “white person” shall apply only to the person who has no trace whatsoever of any blood other than Caucasian; but persons who have one-sixteenth or less of the blood of the American Indian and have no other non-Caucasic blood shall be deemed to be white persons".

it’ll be “historic”

He will.


Wouldn’t it be nice if the Right Wing, starting with the president, were as committed to ensuring that Native Americans were as enfranchised to vote in our elections as they are in disenfranchising them, or if they worked as hard to promote their voting as they are in trying to get folks to not vote for Elizabeth Warren who made a mistake, admitted it, apologized and moved on?

Ah, but that would be the decent and human thing to do.

That is not the Regressive Republican way.

“The only good fake Indian is a dead fake Indian, at the Polls.”


Chuck Todd revealed that about Trumpism in an interview with Kellyanne Conway on the 22nd of January, 2017 when she admitted that White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer had been given “alternative facts” to present to the Nation on his very first outing as Press Secretary.

CHUCK TODD: --answer the question of why the president asked the White House press secretary to come out in front of the podium for the first time and utter a falsehood? Why did he do that? It undermines the credibility of the entire White House press office–

KELLYANNE CONWAY: No it doesn’t.

CHUCK TODD: --on day one.

KELLYANNE CONWAY: Don’t be so overly dramatic about it, Chuck. What-- You’re saying it’s a falsehood. And they’re giving Sean Spicer, our press secretary, gave alternative facts to that. But the point remains–

CHUCK TODD: Wait a minute-- Alternative facts?


Poor Sean, so under appreciated, he really was the Alternative Fact champion of the President. Sarah Huckabee wasn’t even a close second when it came to the alternative facts.

Of late crazy uncle Rudy has been doing his part for fleshing out the Presidents seeming distancing from facts and such.

(Oddly it was with Chuck Todd again, that Rudy spilled the truth beans.)

Giuliani: And when you tell me that, you know, he should testify because he’s going to tell the truth and he shouldn’t worry, well that’s so silly because it’s somebody’s version of the truth. Not the truth …

Todd: Truth is truth. I don’t mean to go like ―

Giuliani: No, it isn’t truth. Truth isn’t truth.


Truth isn’t truth!

Alternative facts!

Over 12,000 outright lies, intentional fabrications, misstatements, and incorrect comments in three years that have not been corrected, apologized for, or convincingly clarified.

So yeah, I do believe “Facts are foreign to them” is an excellent summation.

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In what could be a metaphor for the entire Trump presidency, Conway was supposed to say “alternative interpretation” or something like that and screwed it up, even though she came up with the term.


Yeah, apt metaphor morphed into meta reality.

No she doesn’t.

It was granny’s fault.

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This is perfect.

Thanks. It puts Republican “concern” into perspective.

Alternative information. That’s what it was.

I hope she doesn’t get the nomination but great point.