Pocahontas campaign headquarters broken into

No. Tell your government you have a right to it and get it from them.

Why Andrew Jackson one of the worst Presidents in history is on the 10$ is funny.

meme man bad!

As one might expect, the vast majority of Warren’s DNA — 95 percent — indicated European ancestors. But five genetic segments were identified, with 99 percent confidence, as being associated with Native American ancestry. The largest segment identified was on Chromosome 10.
So you are in your eighties or nibeties?
Additionally, my daughter disagrees with you…Her degree is in genetics and she is a surgeon.

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Aww, some thought they were going to get a feather bed and some bonbons after electing this dirt bag and having an 8 year Obama tantrum.



I wasn’t talking to you.

Do your homework.

Why is it funny?

LOL. The Washington Post?

Get her on here and let’s hear her argument. That’s convenient. I like expertise.

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Did meme angered you?

She is not ethnic Indian.

Do you believe that having “detectable amounts” of NA dna makes Warren a native American? Should she now claim this again and run her campaign as the first Native American to run for President? I so wish she would do that.

No having Native blood doesn’t make you Native, you need to be part of the culture. I don’t even care if your 100% white if you take part in the culture and respect it you can join the tribe.

i’m not a big fan of blood requirements.

I agree a person could be 100% white and be Native American legitimately. For example it a white person married into a tribe and did become part of that culture.

so many people did that they became their own ethnic group, with their own language called Michif.
I’m currently learning how to speak Michif.

Exactly, Hunter Biden is just a victim of unexplainable coincidences that allowed him to enrich himself. Hunter Biden has been so victimized he has to stay sequestered and has to have his father explain away the false accusations.
“This Biden stuff” indeed.

A white who marries a bona fide Aboriginal of tribal citizenship only becomes a tribal member at the discretion of the “elders” or the governing body. Their children Typically become tribal citizens by birth mother and again depending on the tribe. Some tribes consider “mixed” offspring outcasts as well as the mother for marrying outside the tribe.
Warren and her claim of “1/umpteenth NA through DNA” is horse dung. Where did the DNA research come up with their Native American blood baselines?
LOL, Warren lied, benefitted and spent the rest of her faux career explaining the farce away with one version after another.

Several hundred posts of liberals insisting that Conan is angry.

Projection in HD. lol :popcorn:


Hysterical right? Andrew Jackson was the 7th US Prez serving 2terms before 1837 when the Republic was still in diapers. Some historical fact:
Before being elected to the presidency, Jackson gained fame as a general in the [United States.Army.
As president, Jackson sought to advance the rights of the “common man” against a "corrupt aristocracy and to preserve the Union.
Prior to becoming President he served in both Houses of Congress.
Yeah, this guy was “bad”??

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So she was a victim of a break in. That should be worth a few votes.