Please put down the fork and spoon and back away from the plate maam

I’m not seeing the connection there to @biggestal99’s assertion about cons.

I’ll give you the truth straight up, and it’s backed by more peer reviewed research than any fad theories that have come up in the last decade.

If you eat 5,000 calories a day, all the exercise in the world can’t help you. And I don’t care if it’s candy bars or asparagus, it’s not good for you.

Don’t believe me? Read this:

Why did this professor lose 30 lbs when we are told Doritos make you fat? He simply calorie counted and limited his caloric intake.

Now I don’t recommend this diet (there are other side effects from eating junk food all of the time), but that isn’t even the point.

You want to lose weight? It’s simple: eat less and move more.

I still remember this gem

This guy called Michelle Obama fat

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There was a time when people of all ages and socioeconomic strata were more active. That’s also a factor. No matter what they ate, if they burned off the calories, they weren’t obese.

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Why? Did how fat he is change the size of her posterior?

Michelle is not fat in the slightest. He is.

I mean it’s sort of like Bill Cosby lecturing someone like Mike Pence about inappropriate behavior with women.

Irrelevant, point being his weight has no bearing on his opinion of hers. You don’t lose the ability to see fat if you are fat.

For the record, a shot of Jack Daniels is only 35 calories. :grin:


The biggest problem with Michelle’s so-called overhaul was she was more into what you ate, than how much you ate.

Anybody who sits there and tries pushing whole grain pastas on people without the slightest regard for the fact there are people with celiacs disease who should never be eating pasta (it contains wheat gluten which like poison to them) is in my opinion, more dangerous than a person pushing cigarettes.

Here’s the truth: everyone is different, and there is no one size fits all diet solution. What works for me may kill you and vice versa.

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It absolutely is relevant especially when speaking in a critical tone. And it’s hundred times more relevant if the critic himself is fat and the object of criticism is not.

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I remember the scorn and derision from Cons regarding move more. Some went so far as to assert that a national health standard would be imposed.

So: the irony of that vitriol, juxtaposed to the current thread, is the basis of Al’s comment.

True, but my friend: my days of straight shots are very far behind me.:slightly_smiling_face:

I’ll admit I don’t know many details of what she was actually preaching. It just seemed like such a benign thing at the time - all first ladies get sort of pet projects like Melania and anti-bullying. And she definitely got way too much grief over it from the right, IMO.

Whiskey on the rocks is my go to , sip and relax :wink:

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Just one.

I’ve tried 'em all straight: whiskey, bourbon, Scotch (blech), vodka (double blech), tequila (all the blechs)

I can do some damage to butterscotch schnapps though…

At one point in time, I was consuming 1.5 grams of protein per pound of body fat.

Worked great for me, however, something like that would have definitely killed this person:

Stuff like this is why I’m loathe to give out diet advice apart from general stuff like watch your calories.

People like Michelle Obama are more dangerous than you think.

Ther is nothing wrong with suggesting people eat healthier options.

Less than one percent of the US has Celiacs disease. Those with food allergies already know what their diet can consist of.

Tell that to the Australian who died from eating too much protein…something people like Arnold Schwarznegger do every day with zero consequence.

Oh…I’m too old for that too. I put mine in diet coke. It’s a good night cap after a long day.

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